Conferences and Public Presentations
Toohey, K. (2014, June). Introducing ScribJab. The African Storybook Summit, UBC. Vancouver, BC.
Dagenais, D., and Toohey, K. (2014, May). La prise en compte de la matérialité dans l’investissement. Invited presentation at Dialoque autour de la notion d’investissement dans l’approriation langagiere. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Toohey, K., and Dagenais, D. (2014, April). Production pedagogies and language learning. Keynote speakers at the Celebrating Linguistic Diversity conference. Toronto, ON.
Toohey, K., and Dagenais, D. (2014, March). New identities and new literacies in digital times? TESOL Conference. Portland, OR.
Toohey, K. with Price, C. (2013, November). Canadian teacher education in northern India. Presentation at Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute meetings. New Delhi, India.
Toohey, K. (2013, November). Presentations to student teachers and Assistant Professors at Tibetan Centre for Teacher Education, Bhuntar, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Toohey, K. with Dagenais, D. (2013, October). ScribJab: A multilingual website and iPad app. Presentation to English as a Second Language Professional Specialists Association. North Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. (2012, November). Presentation to Languages, Cultures and Literacies occasional symposium series, Simon Fraser University. Burnaby, BC.
Toohey, K. with Dagenais, D. (2012, April). Digital mediation and language learners: Imagined identities and placed resources. Organizer and Paper Presenter in Symposium at American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. with D. Dagenais, A. Fodor and E. Schulze. (2012, March). We can't wait for the light: Actor network theory and videomaking in school. American Association of Applied Linguistics meetings. Boston, MA.
Toohey, K. with Hawkins, M. and Gopez-Lopar, M. (2012, March). Classroom research in TESOL. Planning and delivery of full-day pre-conference session at the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Toohey, K. with Hawkins, M. and Gopez-Lopar, M. (2012, March). Burning issues in TESOL research. Panel participant at the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Toohey, K. (2011, June). Eliciting children's representations of self through video. International Symposium on Bilingualism, Oslo, Norway.
Toohey, K. (2011). Second language learners and multiliteracies. Invited Presentation at Canadian Centre for Research on Literacy, University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB.
Toohey, K. (2011). Interrogating Social Justice in Language and Literacy Education. Plenary for Department of Language and Literacy Education Graduate Student Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. and Dagenais, D. (2011). Videomaking in Canada and India: How children represent themselves to one another. Invited Presentation at New Literacies Conference, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. (2010, March). Collaborative research in multilingual classrooms. Symposium. TESOL Conference, Boston, MA.
Toohey, K. (2010, June). Videomaking in two contexts. Organizer of symposium and presenter athe Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics conference, Montréal, QC..
Toohey, K. (2009). Plenary speaker. BC Teachers of English as an Additional Language conference. Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. (2009). Plenary speaker. Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics. Ottawa, ON.
Toohey, K. (2009). Plenary speaker. International Association for the improvement of Mother Tongue Education. Toronto, ON.
Toohey, K. (2009). Valuing heritage languages and cultures in BC. Plenary speaker at BC Provincial Conference International Languages & Education. Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K., and Neufeld, P. (2008). Investigating community practices to develop multiliteracies curriculum. American Association of Applied Linguistics conference. Washington, DC.
Toohey, K., and Neufeld, P., et al. (2008). Digital mediations for bridging home, school and community literacies. Canadian Society for Studies in Education conference. Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. (2007). Building plurilingual communities in Canadian schools. Invited plenary speaker at “Didactique des Langues, des Textes et des Cultures”, Universite de La Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France.
Toohey, K. (2007). Crossing boundaries: Community and school multiliteracies. American Association of Applied Linguistics conference. Costa Mesa, CA.
Toohey, K. (2006). Hidden losses: ESL students’ success. Invited presentation at Policy Symposium on Immigration Research – Youth Focus. Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. (2006). Changing perceptions of good language learners. Invited presentation at University of Melbourne, Australia.
Toohey, K. (2006). Sociocultural research on second language acquisition. Invited presentation at University of Adelaide, Australia.
Toohey, K. (2006). Learning English at school. Invited presentation to public school and adult ESL teachers, researchers and students. Invited presentation at University of South Australia.
Toohey, K. (2006). Professional development for ESL teachers. Invited presentation at TESL Working Group, Department of Education, South Australia.
Toohey, K. (2006). Assessment of ESL students. Invited presentation at Faculty of Education, Monash University, Clayton, Australia.
Toohey, K. (2006). Ethnographic research in language education. Invited presentation at Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Clayton, Australia.
Toohey, K. (2006). ESL Students’ School Achievements. Presentation for Research on Immigration and Integration Symposium, Vancouver. BC.
Toohey, K. with Denos, C., Hof, L., and Rowbotham, S. (2006). The pluralization of expression: Relationships between form, ontology and epistemology in language and literacy research. Invited plenary address Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada PreConference, Toronto, ON.
Toohey, K. (2006). Are the lights coming on? How can we tell? English language learners and literacy. Presentation at the 8th Annual National Metropolis Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. (2006). Teacher Development in a Collaborative Research Group. Presentation to the SFU Faculty of Education conference, Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. (2006). Success and challenges of second language learners in Canada. Refereed paper. 8th National Metropolis Conference.
Toohey, K. (2005). Critical and community-oriented research in TESOL education. Presentation at annual TESOL conference, San Antonio, TX.
Toohey, K. with Gajdamaschko, N. (2005). Learner resistance to literacy scaffolding: A case study. Presentation at American Education Research Association conference. Montreal, QC.
Toohey, K. (2005). Investigating written/oral language as critical cultural tools in ESL. Presentation at International Association of Applied Linguistics conference, Madison, WI.
Toohey, K. with V. Ramanathan, K. Tellez, S. Vandrick, B. Morgan. (2004). Enhancing the critical in TESOL. Symposium at the 38th Annual Convention of TESOL. Long Beach, CA.
Toohey, K. with K. Johnson, R. Kubota, C. Nelson, J. Sharkey. (2004). The TESOL Quarterly Dialogues. Symposium at the 38th Annual Convention of TESOL. Long Beach, CA.
Toohey, K. (2004). Persons, resources and practices: Social dimensions of child L2 learning. Invited presentation, Cambridge University Conference “Issues in the teaching, learning and assessment of young ESL learners,” Cambridge, UK.
Toohey, K. (2003). Learning English at school: Identity, social relations and classroom practice. Invited lecture, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
Toohey, K. (2003). Second language learning in a Punjabi Independent School. Prairie Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Integration. Edmonton, AB.
Toohey, K. and Gajdamaschko, N. (2003). Learning initiative and guided participation. Presentation to International Conference on Creativitiy and Imagination in Education, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia.
Toohey, K. and Sandhu, S. (2003). Building support through family involvement in classrooms with English language learners. ESL PSA Conference. Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. (2003). Teacher Action Research: Four years of examining practice with TARG. Investigating our practices conference, UBC. Vancouver, BC.
Toohey, K. (2002). Learning English at school. Invited presentation. President’s Research Lecture. Simon Fraser University. Burnaby, BC.
Toohey, K. (2001). Guided participation in second language learning. Invited presentation to TESL-Ontario Conference, Research section. Toronto, ON.
Toohey, K. & Waterstone, B. (2001). Negotiating expertise in an action research community. Presentation at American Educational Research Association meetings, Seattle, WA.
Toohey, K., Denos, C., Hof, L., Ilieva, R., Rowbotham, S., Sandhu, S., Thompson, J. Tsoukalas, C., Waterstone, B. (2001). Shifting centres of expertise: Attending to diversity in classrooms and in teacher/researcher collaborations. Presentation at American Educational Research Association meetings, Seattle, WA.
Toohey, K. (2001). Home to school/Kindergarten to Grade 1: Incommensurable practises? American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, St. Louis, MI.
Toohey, K. (2001). Teachers and children as guiders of participation: Ventriloquating teachers in a Punjabi Sikh school. NCTE Conference, Berkeley, CA.