Edited Book Chapters

Magnusson, K., & Hiebert, B. (In press). Determining the impact of counselling interventions. In N. Gazzola (Ed.), Canadian Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Ottawa: Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

Magnusson, K. (2015). New technologies and leadership challenges for teacher education. In S. Elliott-Johns (Ed.), Leadership for Change in Teacher Education: Voices of Canadian Deans of Education (pp. 55–60). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Hiebert, B., & Magnusson, K. (2014). The power of evidence: Demonstrating the value of career development services. In B. Shepard  & P. Mani (Eds.), Career Development Practices in Canada: Perspectives, Principles and Professionalism (pp. 489–530). Toronto, ON: Counselling and Educational Research Institute of Canada.
