Peer Reviewed Articles

Ilieva, R., Beck, K., & Waterstone, B. (2014). Towards sustainable internationalisation of higher education. Higher Education, 68, 875–889. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-014-9749-6

Zhang, Z. & Beck, K. (2014). “I came but I’m lost”. Learning stories of three Chinese international students in Canada. Comparative and International Education, 43(2).

Beck, K. (2013). Talking back: Autoethnography and the contact zone. Transnational Curriculum Inquiry, 10(2), 36–48.

Beck, K., Ilieva, R., Pullman, A., & Zhang, Z. (2013). New work, old power: Inequality within the labour of internationalization. Special issue On the Horizon, 21(2), 84–95.    

Beck, K. (2012). Globalization/s: Reproduction and resistance in the internationalization of higher education. Canadian Journal of Education, 35(3), 9–23.

Beck, K., Ilieva, R., Scholefield, A. & Waterstone, B. (2007). Locating gold mountain: Cultural capital and the internationalization of teacher education. The Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, 3.

Beck, K., Cohen, A. & Falkenberg, T. (2007). Bridging the divide between being and knowing: In quest of care-ethical agency. Paideusis, 16(2), 45–53.
