
Current Courses

Program Development

  • 2012–2013
    Urban Arts, PBD
    Collaborated with Stuart Richmond and Shelley Porter to create and promote a new PBD in Arts Education with a focus on Urban Arts. This PBD began in the spring of 2013.
  • 2012–2013
    EDUC 404 Elementary Generalist Minor Program
    The pilot was developed in collaboration with Stuart Richmond and offered in the summer of 2012. Due to the success of the initial pilot, the program was developed further and offered in the summer of 2013. I taught the program both years and played a key role in planning, coordinating instructors and developing curriculum and approaches to assessment and follow up research.
  • 2012
    Partnership with SFU and SHNU
    Collaborated with Dr. Stuart Richmond, Undergraduate Programs, Catherine Price, International Programs and Robyn Brayne, Graduate Programs to initiate a partnership with Dr. Liang and Dr. Zhang, Fine Arts College of Shanghai Normal University.

Course Development

  • FAL X99-4
    Ongoing course and program development in collaboration with Steve Marshall, Ena Lee and the FAL team of instructors to revise syllabus, assessments and assignments as the FAL program evolves.
  • EDUC 498-4 Special Topics: Urban Arts and the Contemporary Classroom
    I developed this course as part of the new PBD in Arts Education. It was approved in 2012.