Journal Articles
Campbell, S. Educational neuroscience: Motivation, methodology, and implications. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43(1), 7–16.
Campbell, S. (2008). Launching a graduate course in educational neuroscience. Simon Fraser University Educational Review, 2, 39–51.
Campbell, S. (2007). The ENGRAMMETRON: Establishing an educational neuroscience laboratory. Simon Fraser University Educational Review, 1, 167–29.
Campbell, S. (2004). Theory and practice in Plato’s psychology of mathematics education (2004). Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 18.
Campbell, S. (2003). Dynamic tracking of preservice teachers’ experiences with computer-based mathematics learning environments. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 15(1), 70–82.
Campbell, S. (2002). Constructivism and the limits of reason: Revisiting the Kantian problematic. Studies in Philosophy and Education: An International Journal, 21(6), 421–445.
Campbell, S. (2002). Early mathematics education: A case of the blind leading the blind? Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 15.
Campbell, S. (2001). Zeno’s paradox of plurality and proof by contradiction. Mathematical Connections. Series II, 1, 3–16.
Campbell, S. (2001). Three philosophical perspectives on the relation between logic and psychology: Implications for mathematics education. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 14.