Books and Chapters (Selected)
Mamchur, C. (submitted). Crazy for trees.
Mamchur, C. (accepted). Cassius in Secrets, Grade Eight Text. Thomson Nelsen.
Mamchur, C. (accepted). Just a Little Blue Fish. Nelson.
Mamchur, C. (accepted). Archetype: A Transformative Workhorse. In Jung In the Classroom: Education for diversity and meaning.
Mamchur, C. (2008). Chasing the Shadow. In Education and Imagination, London: Routledge.
Mamchur, C. (1998). The popcorn tree. Toronto, Ontario: Stoddard Publications.
Zola, M., with Mamchur, C. (1988, 1990). Poetry plus I and II. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman Ltd. (manual and poems).
Mamchur, C. (1997). Magic. In Teaching and joy. Alexander, Virginia: ASCD.
Mamchur, C. (1997). A meeting of minds. ASCD (fastback) (2nd edition, revised, of How to run productive meetings).
Mamchur, C. (1996, December. A teacher’s guide to cognitive type theory and learning style. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Mamchur, C. with Zola, M. (1993). In the garden. Winnipeg: Pemmican Press. (Children’s Book)
Mamchur, C. (1984). Insights. Toronto: OISE Press.