Organized Conferences and Symposia
Creating Connections with the National Autism Research Center of Israel (2019, September 19-20). 2-day event co-organized with Drs. Iarocci (SFU) and Oberlander (UBC). Chan Centre Auditorium, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute (Sept 19, 2019); BC Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC (Sept 20, 2019).
Interactive social cognition: an emerging science. Co-chair and organizer (with J. Ristic) of symposium at the 2015 (June) meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS), Ottawa, ON.
UVic-SFU-UBC Face Day 3 Conference. SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver, BC (2015, June). Co-organized with A. Brennan and G. Iarocci.