
Invited Speaker

Hill, C. (2024). Becoming Anti-colonial as Educators and Researchers: Stories from the Big Family. Monash University, Melbourne Australia. Invited by Dr. Graham Parr

Hill, C. (2024). Material Sites of Multi-species Connectedness: Towards Trans-corporeal Ecological Education. RMIT University, Melbourne Australia. Invited by Dr. David Roussel.

Hill, C. (2024). What kind of teacher-educator does the world need today? RMIT University, Melbourne Australia. Invited by Dr. Ange Fitzgerald.

Hill, C., (2018). Inquiry into Practice: Be/coming diffractive. Shifting Ground: Relocating Pedagogical Innovation from Schools to Communities. SSHRC Connection Grant. Nov 30- Dec 1, 2018, York University.

MacDonald, M., Hill, C., & Sinclair, N. (2018). The Problem and Potential of Representation: Being and becoming. Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada Pre-conference. CSSE, May 26-30th, 2018. Regina, SK.

Peer Reviewed Conferences since 2011

Whintors, N, Hill, C., Upton, R. & Lin, C. (under review) I hate the global warming factory!!! Caring for Tadpoles During the Climate Emergency. Paper to be presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education conference. Sydney, Australia, Dec 5th, 2024.

Hill, C. & Rousell, D. (under review) Decolonizing the image: Towards trans-corporeal research methods. Paper to be presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education conference. Sydney, Australia, Dec 5th, 2024.

Hill, C., Fitzgerald, A, & Mason, T. (under review). What kind of teacher-educator does the world need today? Symposium to be presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education conference. Sydney, Australia, Dec 5th, 2024.

Whintors, N, Hill, C., Upton, R. & Lin, C. (accepted) The Teachings of Tadpoles: Fostering Place-based Learning and Collective Wellbeing. Workshop to be presented at Classrooms to Communities, Oct. 25-27, 2024, Vancouver, BC.

Kelly, V., Rosehart, P., Keliipio, K., Hill, C., & Sivia, A. (2024). Métissage aspractice for new ways of knowing and being in teacher education. Symposium that was to be presented at Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, June 12-117th, 2024, Montreal.

Hill, C, Bailey, R., McKay, C., & Rooney, M. (2023). Educating for post-colonial futures: The q̓íc̓əy̓ Slough yesterday, today and tomorrow project. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference. November 26-30, 2023, Adelaide, Australia.

Bailey R., Hill, C, Whintors, N. & McTavish, R. (2023). We are the Salmon Family: Inviting reciprocal and respectful pedagogical encounters with the Land. Paper to be presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 3-6, 2023, Honolulu, HI.

Hill, C, & Bailey, R., (2023). Disrupting colonized spaces: The q̓íc̓əy̓ Slough yesterday, today and tomorrow project. Paper to be presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. January 3-6, 2023, Honolulu, HI.

Hill, C, Bailey, R., & MacDonald, K. (2022). We are salmon brothers and sisters: Towards post-colonial ecological pedagogies. Paper to be presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education conference. November 27 - December 1, 2022, Adelaide, Australia.

Hill, C & MacDonald, M. (2022). Working in a ‘community engaged’ university during an era of reconciliation. Paper to be presented as part of a symposium on Interdisciplinary Educational Work at the Australian Association for Research in Education conference. November 27-December 1, 2022, Adelaide, Australia.

Antone, L., Gabriel, C., Whintors, N., Smithson, D., MacDonald, K., Maitland, C., Johnstone, J., & Hill, C. (2022). Listening for songs that come from the Land: Curricular unfoldings guided by place. Collaborative workshop to be presented at the Classrooms to Community Conference, October, 21-22, 2022, Revelstoke, BC.  

Hill, C., Sivia, A., Kelly, V., Rosehart, P, & Keliipio, K. (2022) Sharing alongside stories: Moving beyond critical friendship within practitioner research. Roundtable paper to be presented at the 18th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 18-22, 2022.

Sivia, A., Hill, C., Kelly, V., Rosehart, P, & Keliipio, K. (2022) “Two-Eyed Seeing”: Indigenously understood self-study methodologies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 21-26, 2022, San Diego, CA.

MacDonald, M., & Hill, C. (2021). The educational impact of the COVID-19 rapid response to teachers, students, and families. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, May 29-June 4, 2021.

Sivia, A., Hill, C., Kelly, V., Rosehart, P, & Keliipio, K. (2021) "Two-eyed seeing": What can self-study research learn from Indigenous knowing? Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, May 29-June 4, 2021.

Hill, C., Bailey, R., & Bates, R. (2019).  Creek Restoration Project: Circles of Conversation, Connection and Action. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, June 1-5, 2019, Vancouver, BC.

Beveridge, L. & Hill, C. M. (2019). This is not about the outcome - this is about the process. This isn't about where you go, it's about how you get there": Teachers' experience of sustained professional growth within a practice centred master's degree. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, June 1-5, 2019, Vancouver, BC.

Hill, C. (2018).  Interference and co-intentionality as a decolonizing and inclusive curricular practices: An example from a Canadian university. Paper to be presented at IAACS World Curriculum Studies Conference, December 9-11, 2018, Melbourne, Australia.

Hill, C., Antone, L., Maitland, C., Blenkinsop, S., Bates, R., Cheverie, C., Piersol, L., Sebela, J. &  Poehlke, K. (2018).  Supporting educators in teaching, learning, and leading   within place: A campus-community partnership. Collaborative workshop presented at Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication, October, 18-20, 2018. Cranbrook, BC.

Hill, C., & Rosehart, P. (2018). Providing teachers with empowering and authentic learning pathways: An example from a graduate program ‘north of the border.’ ICET, July 9-11, 2018, Lardeo, TX.

Hill, C., Rosehart, P., MacDonald, M., Blazevich, D. Chi, B. & Montabello, S. (2018). In-service Teacher Education as a “Gathering Space” for transformative learning. CSSE, May 26-30, 2018. Regina, SK.

Smythe, S., Hill, C., MacDonald, M., Dagenais, D., Sinclair, N., & Toohey. K. (2018). Disrupting boundaries in education and research: Becoming new materialists. CSSE, May 26-30, 2018. Regina, SK.

Hill, C., & Rosehart, P. (2017). Becoming a reflective and responsive practitioner. Interactive workshop presented at the Canadian Association of University Continuing Education, May 24-26, 2017. Vancouver, BC.

Hill, C., Rosehart, P., Montabello, S., MacDonald, M., Blazevich, D., & Chi, B. (2017). Navigating community-campus partnerships in teacher education: The co-constructive dance. Paper presented at the Community to University Expo, May 1-5, 2017, Vancouver, BC.

MacDonald, M., Bowen, W. & Hill, C. M. (2016). Using Engaged Philosophical Inquiry to deepen young children’s understanding of Environmental Sustainability. Paper to presented at the NAACI Conference June 17-20, 2016, Montclair, NJ.

Hill, C. M. (2016). Mad I’m mad: Parental action research. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, May 28-June 1, 2016, Calgary, AB.

Hill, C. M. & Beveridge, L. (2015, May 30–June 3). “The whole way that I teach is completely different":Transformative Learning in a Professional Graduate Program. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON.

Beveridge, L. & Hill, C. M. (2015, May 31–June 2). Transforming learning in professional communities of practice: Implications for Flexible Learning Environments. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education.

MacDonald, M., Hill, C., Banuke, L., Blazevich, D., Chi, B., Donovan, L., Rosehart, P., Sigaty, K., Templeton, M. (2013, October). Liminal moments: our journey as leaders and mentors. Paper Presented at the University of New Mexico’s Mentoring Conference, NM.

Hill, C. & MacDonald, M., (2013, June). Principles and practices of teacher-inquiry: Towards an empirically generated method/ology. Roundtable Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Victoria, BC.

MacDonald, M., Hill, C., Donovan, L., Howarth, P., & Irvine, M. (2013, June). Actualizing Co-Inquiry: Theory and Practice. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Victoria, BC.

MacDonald, M., & Hill, C. (2012, April). Teacher Inquiry and Reflective Practice in Primary Teacher In-Service Teacher Education. Roundtable Paper presented at the American Education Research Association, Annual General Meeting, Vancouver, BC.

Beck, K., Zhang, O. Z. Waterstone, B., Ilieva, R. & Hill, C. (2011, February). How green is your faculty? Sustainability and the internationalization of education. Paper presented at the Globalization, Diversity and Education Conference, Spokane, WA.
