Other Presentations and Workshops

Parent, A. (January 2017). Presented at the Presidential Roundtable on Community Engagement, University of British Columbia, Surrey, BC.

Parent. A. (January 2017). First Peoples Principles of Learning in the Faculty of Education's Professional Development Program, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.

Parent, A. (2016). "We are the Future." Keynote Speaker presentation for Coming Home Society's Speakers Series for Wisdom of the Elders Program, Vancouver, BC.

Parent, A. (2015). Keynote Speaker for Nisga'a Annual Education Conference, New Aiyansh, BC.

Parent, A. (October 2015). Presented at the Faculty Forum on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Recommendations, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.

Parent, A. (September 2015). Wholistically Engaging Aboriginal Students & Communities. Caring about the Individual Needs of Students Symposia, Professional Development Program, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.

Parent, A. (September 2015). First Principles of Learning Workshop, Professional Development Program, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.

Parent, A. (March 2015). Emerging Scholar Respondent to Keynote Speaker (Dr. David Newhouse) at Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC.

Parent, A. (January 2015). Indigenous Research Challenges and Opportunities Panel Discussion at Year of Research Event, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Parent, A. (May 2014). Learning ‘from’ not ‘about’ Indigenous knowledge as knowledge in teacher education. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, St. Catherines, ON.

Parent, A. (May 2014). Keynote speaker at Nisga’a Tsamik’s Society Graduation, Vancouver, BC.

Parent, A. (March 2014). Co-Master of Ceremony at the 12th Annual Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Parent, A. (March 2013). Bending the Box. Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Parent, A. (January 2011). Indigenous Knowledge Mobilization. UBC Indigeniety Research Cluster, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Parent, A. (April 2010). Keep Us Coming Back for More: Aboriginal Youth Speak about Indigenous Knowledge & Wholistic Education. Presented to Urban Aboriginal Community, Urban Aboriginal Youth Association.

Parent, A. (March 2010). Keep Them Coming Back for More: Aboriginal Youth’s Perceptions & Experiences of Wholistic Education in Vancouver. Presented to Indigenous Graduate Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Parent, A. (June 2009). A Mistake Isn’t a Mistake if You Learn From It! Presented to Laxgalts’ap Village Government Career Fair.

Parent, A. (November 2008). Finding My Indigenous Knowledge. Presented to the Indigenous Knowledge Mobilization Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancovuer, BC.
