Invited Presentations

Goodwill, A.O. (2014–present). Youth Leading in a Good Way: Indigenous Youth Gang Prevention. Academic Advisory Committee Member for the Randomized Controlled Trial of a High Fidelity Wraparound Project. West Region Child and Family Services, Rolling River First Nation, MB.

Goodwill, A.O. (2016, May).Trauma Informed Practices for Violent Youth in School Settings. Invited presentation for Surrey Safe Schools, Surrey, BC.

Goodwill, A.O. (2016, May). Trauma Informed Parenting Practices for Parents of Teens. Invited presentation for Surrey Safe Schools, Surrey, BC.

Goodwill, A.O. (2016, February). Collaborative Family Interventions with First Nations Families-A Trauma Informed Approach. Invited presentation for Surrey Safe Schools, Surrey, BC.

Goodwill, A.O. (2016). Mental Health Literacy, Research, and Education. Monthly invited presentations for Sto:lo Nation Health.

Goodwill, A.O. (2015, June). Invited speaker, UBC Summer Science Camp, Longhouse, UBC.

Goodwill, A.O. (2015, January). Gang Involvement with Aboriginal Youth. Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Forensic Psychology Grand Rounds (videoconference presentation), Edmonton, AB.

Goodwill, A.O. (2015, November). Listening to Youth and Sharing Their Knowledge. Surrey Aboriginal Education, Surrey, BC.

Goodwill, A.O. (2015, January). In and out of Gang life: Research Perspectives. Surrey Aboriginal Education, Surrey, BC.

Goodwill, A.O. (2014, November). Mental Health Assessments for Aboriginal Children. 17th Annual Provincial Training Conference. BC Aboriginal Child Care Society, North Vancouver, BC.

Goodwill, A.O. (2013, May). Leadership and Indigenous Youth. Annual General Meeting of the Wuikinuxv Kitasso/Xai’xais Nuxalk Tribal Council, Vancouver, BC.

Goodwill, A.O. (2011, September) Culturally Responsive Health Care for Aboriginal Patients on Kidney Dialysis. Presentation to the Brandon Regional Health Authority, Brandon, MB.

Goodwill, A.O. (2009, November). Skills For Reducing Lateral Violence. Seabird Island Professional Development Day, Seabird Island First Nation, BC.

Goodwill, A.O. (2009, January). In and Out of Aboriginal Gang Life. Professional development training serices for School District #33 Counsellors, Chilliwack, BC.

Goodwill, A.O. (2008, November). In and Out of Aboriginal Gang Life. Ministry of Children and Family Development, Fraser Region Pre-Doctoral Residency Education Series, Chilliwack, BC.
