Refereed Articles

Chinnery, A. (2017). Playing the hand we’ve been dealt: On constitutive luck and moral education. [Featured essay] In M. Moses (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 2014 (pp. 45-53). Urbana-Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.

Chinnery, A. (2015). On moral luck and non-ideal moral education. Educational Theory 65(2), 169-181.

Chinnery, A. (2015). Precarity and pedagogical responsibility. Journal of Educational Controversy 9(1). Available at

Chinnery, A. (2014). On Timothy Findley’s The Wars and classrooms as communities of remembrance. Studies in Philosophy and Education. 33(6), 587-595. DOI: 10.1007/s11217-014-9406-7

Chinnery, A. (2013). Caring for the past: On relationality and historical consciousness. Ethics and Education 8(3), 253–262.

Chinnery, A. (2012). Temple or forum? On new museology and education for social change. In C. Ruitenberg (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 2012 (pp. 269–276). Urbana-Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.

Chinnery, A. (2012). On history education and the moral demands of remembrance. R. Kunzman (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 2011 (pp. 127–135). Urbana-Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.

Chinnery, A. (2011). “What good does all this remembering do, anyway?” On historical consciousness and the responsibility of memory. In G. Biesta (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 2010 (397–405). Urbana-Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.

Chinnery, A. (2010). Encountering the philosopher as teacher: The pedagogical postures of Emmanuel Levinas. Teaching and Teacher Education 26(8), 1704–1709. DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2010.06.023

Burns, D., Chinnery, A., Ruitenberg, C., & Waddington, D. (2009). Taking on the traditions in philosophy of education: A symposium. Paideusis 18(2), 3–18.

Chinnery, A. (2009). Premodern postures for a postmodern ethics: On resistant texts and moral education. (Featured essay) In R. Glass (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 2008 (pp. 43–50). Urbana-Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.

Grimmett, P.P., & Chinnery, A. (2009). Bridging policy to professional pedagogy in teaching and teacher education: Buffering learning by educating teachers as curriculum makers. Curriculum Inquiry 39(1), 125–143.

Chinnery, A. (2008). Revisiting “The Master’s Tools”: Challenging common sense in cross-cultural teacher education. Equity & Excellence in Education 41(4): 395–404.

Wimmer, R., Chinnery, A., & Morrison, M. (2008). Breaking the silence: Teacher observations of behaviour affecting gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students and staff in Saskatchewan secondary schools. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations 19(2), 19–36.

Chinnery, A. (2007). On compassion and community without identity: Implications for moral education. In D. Vokey (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 2006 (pp. 330–338). Urbana-Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.

Chinnery, A., Hare, W., Kerr, D., & Okshevsky, W. (2007). Teaching philosophy of education: The value of questions. Interchange 38(2), 99–118.

Chinnery, A. (2006). Cold case: Reopening the file on tolerance in teaching and learning across difference. In K. Howe (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 2005 (pp. 200–208). Urbana-Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.

Chinnery, A. (2003). Aesthetics of surrender: Levinas and the disruption of agency in moral education. Studies in Philosophy and Education 22(1), 5–17.

Chinnery, A. (2001). Levinas and ethical agency: Toward a reconsideration of moral education. [Featured essay] In L. Stone (Ed.). Philosophy of Education 2000 (pp. 67–74). Urbana-Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.

