Telementor Guide
What should I know about my mentees' motivations? As you craft advice for your mentees, it is important to consider their motivation to invest effort in the telementoring relationship itself. Students are very pragmatic, and will usually avoid investing any more effort in an assignment than they think is necessary. To some, the relationship with you may seem like an unnecessary "extra." For this reason, your early investment in developing good rapport with mentees often pays benefits later. To give good advice, you are reliant on your mentees to make their progress and their problems visible. Students are far more likely to be open and respectful toward someone they feel they know and like.
What is rapport, and what do we mean by "good rapport"?
What do we mean by visibility, and what is the "low visibility problem"?
What are mentees' expectations in a telementoring relationship?
Why telementoring?
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