- Mathew Simons, 2018. Numerical Modeling of Highly Saline Wastewater Disposal in Northeast British Columbia, Simon Fraser University.
- Samanta Morgan, 2018. Investigating the Role of Buried Valley Aquifer Systems in the Regional Hydrogeology of the Central Peace Region in Northeast British Columbia, Simon Fraser University.
- Jennifer R. Dierauer 2018, Snow Drought and Streamflow Drought in Western North America in the Context of a Warming Climate, Simon Fraser University.
- Vinu Subashini Rajus (2018). Light Weight Look Ahead: Eco-dialogues between buildings and their inhabitants
- Brett Maynard Zuehlke, 2017. Vancouver’s Renewable City Strategy: Economic and Policy Analysis, Simon Fraser University.
- Mikela Hein (2017). Assessing Canada-British Columbia Climate Policy Design and Interaction
- Khorshid Fayazmanesh (2018). Consolidated composite adsorbent containing graphite flake for sorption cooling systems
- Boyd, K. (2016). Policies to reduce urban GHG emissions: Accounting for heterogeneity of demographics, values, and urban form
- Damkjar, E. (2016). A brighter future: solar energy in BC
- Ho, D. (2016). Spatial Influences of Heat Exposures and Social Vulnerability on the Temperature-Mortality Relationship: A Case Study in the Greater Vancouver Area
- Middleton, M. (2016). Aquifer – stream connectivity at various scales: Application of sediment – water interface temperature and vulnerability assessments of groundwater dependent streams
- Rhodes E. (2016). Designing Politically Acceptable and Effective Policies to Mitigate Climate Change
- Brown, E. (2015). Housing Preference in the Peri-urban Zone: The Prospects for Urban Containment and Smart Growth in North Cowichan.
- Brubacher, J. (2015). Associations between biogeoclimatic zones, aquifer type, agricultural land and five gastrointestinal illnesses in British Columbia from 2000-2013 and potential implications under projected climate change
- Ton, M. (2015). The effects of disturbance history on the taxonomic and functional composition of ground-layer plant communities
- Sihota, S. (2015). Swimming Against the Current: Valuation of White Sturgeon in Renewal of the Columbia River Treaty
- Munro, H. (2014). Economic Trade Offs between Carbon Offset and Timber. Opportunities in British Columbia's Central Coast: A Decision Analysis Approach
- Laroque, I. (2014). The Hydrogeology of Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
- Kruger, M. (2014). A Border Runs Through It: Exploring Transboundary Institutional Support for Environmental Flows for Ecosystem Function in the Columbia River Basin
- Murphy, R. (2013). Use of Empirically-Based Models to Evaluate the Potential of Energy Efficiency and Forest Carbon Sequestration for Mitigating Climate Change.
- Bunsha, D. (2012). Two Approaches to Ecosystem-based Management in British Columbia.
- Widanage, R. (2012). Economics of biological invasion: Hound’s Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) and livestock production in British Columbia.
- Sutton, E. (2011). Influence of hydrometeorological controls on debris flows near Chilliwack, British Columbia.
- Lee, C. (2010). An evaluation of international climate change architectures using a computable general equilibrium model.
For a complete list of theses supported by PICS please visit
Journal Articles
M. Aminipouri, D. Rayner, F. Lindberg, S. Thorsson, A. Knudby, K. Zickfeld, A. Middel, E. Krayenhoff, 2019. Urban tree planting to maintain outdoor thermal comfort under climate change: The case of Vancouver's local climate zones, Building and Environment, 158, 226-236.
Dierauer, J; R, Whitfield, P.H. and Allen, D.M. (accepted March 2019) Snow drought risk and susceptibility in the western United States and southwestern Canada. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1029/2018WR023229
Axsen, J., and B. Sovacool (In Press). The roles of users in shared, electric and automated mobility transitions, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
Kamiya, G., J. Axsen, and C. Crawford (2019). Short-term and long-term perspectives on plug-in electric vehicle GHG intensity, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 69, 209-223.
Conrad, S., Piphera, J., and Haider W.,† (2019). How current lawn attributes affect choices concerning water conserving lawn options: An individualized choice experiment in Kelowna, British Columbia, Landscape and Urban Planning, 183, 147-156.
M. Aminipouri, A. Knudby, E. S. Krayenhoff, K. Zickfeld, A. Middel (2019). Modelling the impact of increased street tree cover on mean radiant temperature across Vancouver’s local climate zones, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 39, 9-17.
Dierauer, J; R, Whitfield, P.H. and Allen, D.M. (online Oct 2018) Climate Controls on Runoff and Low Flows in Mountain Catchments of Western North America. Water Resources Research 54(10): 7495-7510 doi:10.1029/2018WR023087
Kormos, C., J. Axsen, Z. Long, S. Goldberg (2019). Latent demand for zero-emissions vehicles in Canada (Part 2): Insights from a stated choice experiment, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,
Axsen, J, and M. Wolinetz (2018). Reaching 30% plug-in vehicle sales by 2030: Modeling incentive and sales mandate strategies in Canada, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 65, 596-617, (PICS supported data)
Axsen, J, J. Cairns, S. Goldberg and N. Dusyk (2018). What drives the Pioneers? Applying lifestyle theory to early electric vehicle buyers in Canada, Energy Research & Social Science, 44, 17-30.
Lajevari, M., J. Axsen, and C. Crawford (2018). Examining the role of natural gas and advanced vehicle technologies in mitigating CO2 emissions of heavy-duty trucks: Modeling prototypical British Columbia routes with road grades, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 62, 186-211.
Wolinetz, M., J. Axsen, J. Peters, and C. Crawford (2018), Simulating the value of vehicle-grid integration using a behaviourally-realistic model, Nature Energy, 3, 132-139.
Murphy, R., D. M. Gross, and M Jaccard (2018), Use of revealed preference data to estimate the costs of forest carbon sequestration in Canada, Forest Policy and Economics, 97, 41-50.
Conrad, S. A., D. Yates (2018). Coupling stated preferences with a hydrological water resource model to inform water policies for residential areas in the Okanagan Basin, Canada, Journal of Hydrology, 564, 846-858.
Holding, S.H., Allen, D.M., Notte, C. and Olewiler, N. (2017) Enhancing water security in a rapidly developing shale gas region. Journal of Hydrology - Regional Studies. Special Volume on the Water-Energy Nexus, 11: 266-277.doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2015.09.005 (open access)
Dierauer, J.R., Whitfield, P.H. and Allen, D.M. (2017) Assessing the suitability of hydrometric data for trend analysis: The 'FlowScreen' package for R. Canadian Water Resources Journal 42(3): 269-275.
Fayazmanesh K., C. McCague, M. Bahrami (2017). Consolidated adsorbent containing graphite flakes for heat-driven water sorption cooling systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, 123, 753-760.
Axsen, J., B. Langman and S. Goldberg (2017). Confusion of Innovations: Mainstream consumer perceptions and misperceptions of electric-drive vehicles and charging programs in Canada, Energy Research & Social Science, 27, 163-173.
Conrad, S. Rutherford, M.B. & Haider, W. (2017). Profiling Farmers’ Preferences about Drought Response Policies Using a Choice Experiment in the Okanagan Basin, Canada., Water Resources Management.
Fayazmanesh K., S. Salari, M. Bahrami (2017). Effective thermal conductivity modeling of consolidated sorption composites containing graphite flakes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115, Part A, 73-79.
Rhodes, K., J. Axsen, and M. Jaccard (2017). Exploring citizen support for different types of climate policy, Ecological Economics, 137, 56-69.
Wolinetz, M., and J. Axsen (2017). How policy can build the plug-in electric vehicle market: Insights from the respondent-based preference and constraints (REPAC) model, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 117, 238-250.
Rhodes, E., Axsen J., Jaccard M. (2015) Gauging citizen support for a low carbon fuel standard
Ho, H. C., Knudby, A., Sirovyak,P., Xu, Y., Hodul, M., Henderson S. B. (2014) Mapping maximum urban air temperature on hot summer days
White Papers
In addition to supporting researching under its core research themes, PICS commissions white papers—a series of in-depth documents on key BC climate change topics. Independent reports authored by leading researchers and commissioned by PICS. White Papers contain in-depth analysis and recommendations on a range of climate-related topics of key interest to BC. They are an excellent resource for policy makers and those seeking a deeper understanding of specific research topics.
Below is a list of White Papers where SFU researchers have contributed.
- A Cap and Trade System for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in BC (Nov. 2008) by Nancy Olewiler, Simon Fraser University
- Buildings and Climate Solutions (Nov. 2008) by Robert Woodbury, Lyn Bartram and Davis Marques, Simon Fraser University; Ray Cole and Dana Vanier, University of British Columbia; Rosamund Hyde, STANTEC; Douglas McLeod, OSTEC and Thomas Mueller, Canada Green Building Council
- Climate Change Adaptation: Planning for BC (Nov. 2008) by Deborah Harford, Simon Fraser University
- Climate Change and Health in British Columbia (Nov. 2008) by Aleck Ostry, University of Victoria; Malcolm Ogburn, University of Northern British Columbia and Tim Takaro, Kate Bassil and Diana Allen, Simon Fraser University
For a complete list of White Papers please go to
Briefing Notes
A PICS Briefing Note provides a brief and cogent analysis, including options for action, on timely
policy, scientific, technological or social issues related to climate change. Bellow is a list of some briefing note written by SFU researchers.
- Managing invasive plants in rangelands in BC under climate change: a rationale for government intervention (23 July 2010) by Rupananda Widanage, Simon Fraser University
- Integrating a public health perspective into municipal climate change policies (7 July 2010) by Hannah Moffatt, Simon Fraser University
- Protecting aquatic species from climate change impacts (29 June 2010) by Andres Araujo, Simon Fraser University
For a complete list of Briefing Notes please go to