Enrollment FAQs
Waitlist & Priority System
Can you explain how the enrollment process works?
Please see the Enrollment Process page for a detailed explanation.
For the infant & toddler (3-36 months old) or the 3-5 years old waitlist, you can apply as soon as your child is born.
When should I apply?
For the infant & toddler (3-36 months old) and 3-5 years old waitlist, as early as possible.
For the school age waitlist, the earliest date you may apply is when your child has a confimred space, or is currenty enrolled, in University Highlands Elementary School (Burnaby Mountain location) or at either Arsmstrong or Seaforth Elementary School (Sapperton location).
What will be the quickest way to get a space?
To ensure that you receive chances at all future spaces, under days required list "Any" and choose "Flexible" on which days, if possible. Keep us informed if there are any changes to your information by emailing ccsinfo@sfu.ca. Please do not submit a new waitlist application form.
Can you estimate when a space will come open?
No. A guess will not be comparable to last month or even last year’s enrollment at the same time.
Typically, we cannot estimate space availability more than 30 days in advance. This is due to the fact that parents are only required to give 45 days notice when withdrawing their child from SFU Childcare. We tend to have more spaces available in September than any other months of the year as more children age out to go to kindergarten or leave the childcare all together.
My original waitlist application was for the Infant and Toddler Age group and I have yet to be offered a space. My child is now 30 months old. What happens now?
If you have not been offered an infant and toddler space by the time your child turn 30 months, he/she will be moved up to our 3 to 5 year old waiting list. The Provincial Child Care Licensing Regulations stipulate that when a child turns three in an Infant and Toddler program, they must move out of this program one month following their third birthday. At SFU Childcare, we are not able to consistently move children turning three who are already in an Infant and Toddler program, so we do not enroll children close to turning three. Another limiting factor is that the same provincial regulations only allow two children under the age of three to be enrolled in a 3 to 5 year old program. If we are in a position to enroll under three year olds, priority is given to those toddlers currently enrolled who are over 30 months.
Is the same criteria followed if my child is on the 3 to 5 year old waiting list and is 4.5 years old?
Yes, if you have not been offered a space in a 3 to 5 year old program by the time your child turn 4.5, he/she will be removed from the waitlist.
Why don’t you provide a number for me on the waitlist?
Providing a number for each parent would not give an indication of when they will get a space. There are many criteria necessary to follow before a child gets an offer for a space. What their priority status is, how soon they want a space, do they have a sibling attending SFU Childcare, child's age, etc.
Do you have only one list for all children?
No. We have two waitists.
1. The infant & toddler and 3-5 year waitlist: once on the list, it can be sorted by the different age groups and priority status.
2. School age waitlist
Why can’t I get a space that I know is coming open?
SFU Childcare has a waitlist that is based on date of application and priority status; someone on the list may have a date of application that is prior to yours, or may be in a different priorty group.
Why can’t my second child take a space that was filled by their sibling?
Although siblings of SFU Family children already enrolled have a higher priority, we do work off a waitlist that is based on date of application and priority status; someone on the list who also has a sibling enrolled may have a date of application that is prior to yours.
Do students get priority over staff?
SFU Family priority status for both the east and west sides of campus includes Students, Staff and Faculty (in no particular order, but based on date of application).
Why can’t I put my child under my sister's/brother's/cousin's University status?
University status is restricted to the Parent/Guardian.
Is part time care AVAILABLE?
Occasionally, we may be able to accommodate part time children in our Infant and Toddler and 3-5 year old programs. Our School Age programs offer full time spaces only.
If part time care is available , can I choose the days that I need?
No. Two part-time children share a space to make up a full-time equivalent space. As we are almost always at 100% enrollment, if a part-time space became avaialable, the part-time days offered would be the days that the withdrawing child had.
What is the turnaround time that I have to accept or decline a space?
You will have 24 hours to respond, or you will be advised upon receiving the offer what the reponse deadlines required.
Why do we have to sign our Parent Agreement right away?
A copy of the signed Parent Agreement is sent to the program which initiates the orientation process, and informs staff of a new arrival. If a parent changes their mind about accepting a space, the entire procedure must be repeated again and can delay the eventual start date.
While in Care
Do I have to participate in orientation?
Yes, you must attend the orientation and gradual entry required for your age group even if your child has completed orientation in a different program here or at any other organization.
When is my first payment due?
Your payment by cheque, cash or direct debit is due upon first day of attendance. Please note the direct debit from your account will typically be processed 3 -5 days prior to the 1st of each month. It will come out of your account on the 1st or the next business day.
Do I have to pay for the full month even if I will not be here for the first few days?
The fee is for the entire month. If you have accepted a space, you are responsible for paying for the entire month.
Why do I have to make my direct debit payable on the 1st of each month?
A flat fee is charged to SFU Childcare by the bank to process direct debit payments, along with a per-item fee. Each time we process payments, we are charged this flat fee. For cost savings, we only do this once per month. If you are not able to have the payment deducted on the 1st of each month, we suggest that you continue to pay by cheque. It is also not possible to submit your direct debit form on (for example) January 31st for February payment. The process of direct debit takes about a week, so all payments for February are usually processed on January 24th.
Can I split my child's days between two programs ?
No, a child cannot attend two different programs at one time.
Why can’t I bring my child before 8:00 (7:30 School Age) to their Program?
Staff members are paid to start from 8:00 (7:30 School Age) onwards. If they are in the program before that time, it is on their own time as they prepare themselves to be ready to start at 8:00
If I start one program can I transfer to another program of the same age?
Typically moving from one program to another of the same age group is only done under very extreme circumstances and must be done in consultation with your program’s Senior, Program Director and/or Executive Director. Moving to a different program of the same age group is not done to accommodate enrollment needs.
What if I get in and need more or less days?
An Enrollment Change Request form is available on the Parent Resources page. Or you may make this request via email: ccsinfo@sfu.ca. A decrease or increase of days is not automatic; it will depend on space availability and must be requested through the Childcare Office. It may take several months to accommodate your request depending on what time of year you request the change, what age group you are in, and whether or not your child is in a part time centre. We do not break up full time spaces.
Why can it take so long to go from a full time space to a part time space?
We do not break up full time spaces. Sometimes enrollment can remain stable for longer periods of time, for example during school sessions. Part time care is more costly to operate and sometimes harder to fill and is therefore limited in each program.
Why do we need to give 45 days notice when we withdraw from a program?
When a space becomes vacant 45 days notice is the minimum that allows us to:
a) Give the next children on the list the opportunity to give notice, make plans and prepare for this change
b) Allows adequate time should an in-complex child need to be moved up, or for the 2nd or 3rd spaces to be filled
If the demand for childcare is so great why can’t you just build more Programs?
There are several reasons why this does not happen. A few reasons are: that money is needed for capital projects and space for additional buildings must also be available. Most importantly consideration needs to be given to the financial cost of running and staffing that program, as not all programs are self-sustaining financially.
Changing Age Groups
When should I apply for the next age group?
For entry into infant/toddler and 3-5-year age groups, you only need to apply one time. You will be automatically transferred to the waitlist of the next age group based on your child's age.
For enrollment to school age programs: If your child is in one of our 3-5-year programs, you will respond to a survey to indicate your willingness to be considered for our internal transitions to school age in September of the year your child starts kindergarten.
If your child does not receive a space offer in September, a new waitlist application must be submitted for your child to be added to the school age external waitlist. Please do not apply before you have a confirmed space in one of the three schools we service. The main criteria to be on the school age waitlist is your child having a confirmed space in one of the following elementary schools:
- University Highlands Elementary School (Burnaby Mountain)
- Armstrong Elementary School (Sapperton)
- Seaforth Elementary School (Sapperton)
The earliest date you may apply for the school age waitlist is once you recieve a confrmed space for your child at the elementray school - proof of confirmation is reuqired to complete the waitlist application.
When will I hear about my child moving up to the next age group?
Toddlers and children in 3-5 can expect to hear of spaces becoming available at the beginning of each month.
Can my child move up to a 3-5 program without being toilet trained?
Our educators believe in individual differences and each child entering the 3-5 programs is met at their developmental level. For example, while some children might have already gained independence in their toileting skills in the Infant/Toddler programs, some children enter the 3-5 programs while still working towards mastering independent toileting.
When did Sapperton open?
November 1, 2022
What are the hours of operation?
The Infant/Toddler and 3-5 programs will be opened from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm
The School Age programs will be opened from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm
School Age Childcare over Christmas, spring and summer break
Full-day care is available during winter and spring breaks and on non-instructional days for both schools.
Transportation for School Age Children
Children attending Armstrong Elementary will walk to school with an educator from the program.
Those children attending Seaforth Elementary will be transported by bus to the school.