The 2024 is CEI now closed.

Thank you to everyone who submitted or supported a proposal this year.

All applications will be reviewed, and our goal is to communicate results and offer funding in June. Whether your application is successful or not, you will be contacted about the result. To date, SFU's Community Engagement Initiative (CEI) has funded 208 proposals and over $1.1 million in grants has been awarded. Click here to browse all CEI funded proposals. 

If you are interested in being notified about the next CEI call for proposals, please make sure you sign up for our newsletter (below).

Stay informed about the CEI by signing up for SFU Community Engagement News

We email about once per month, sharing events, resources, and stories highlighting the power of community engagement as an approach to teaching, research, and scholarship. Our goal is to provide valuable opportunities for learning and getting involved, including alerts and notifications about the CEI and other funding opportunities we become aware of. We may email more frequently here and there to ensure you can take advantage of time-limited opportunities or important relevant news. You can unsubscribe at any time.