Surf Scoter male

Sea Duck Researchers

of the CWE

Centre for Wildlife Ecology logo
CWE Personnel: Tim Bowman and duckTim Bowman, who works with the USFWS as the Pacific coast Sea Duck Joint Venture coordinator, has collaborated with the CWE on scoter and harlequin studies.


Dan Esler
Sean Boyd
Ramunas Zydelis
Sam Iverson
Debbie Lacroix
Kathy Brodhead

Erika Lok

Molly Kirk
Tyler Lewis
Jeanine Bond
Sunny LeBourdais  
Kristen Gorman
Eric Anderson
Tim Bowman
Paul Flint
Garry Grigg
Malcolm McAdie
Dan Mulcahy
Dan Rizzolo
Jerry Hupp
Kris Rothley
John Takekawa
David Ward