4th Western Hemisphere
Shorebird Group Meeting

August 11-15, 2011

La Cuarta Reunión del Grupo de
Aves Playeras
Hemisferio Occidental
11-15 agosto 2011
(en Español)


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Symposium: Shorebirds on Working Lands

The loss of natural wetland habitat is one of the largest threats to shorebird populations.  Agricultural landscapes have supplanted the majority of North America’s natural wetlands and working lands are often viewed as antithetical to wildlife habitat.  However, agricultural landscapes (e.g. rice, pasture) exist that can provide critical habitat for breeding and non-breeding shorebirds.  Developing “shorebird-friendly” agricultural practices requires communication between farmers and biologists, such that a balance is reached between shorebird habitat creation and economically feasible farming practices. The design and testing of different shorebird management strategies on working lands are also important components of developing best practices.  This session highlights recent research on creating, enhancing, and/or evaluating shorebird habitat on working lands.  Preference will be given to talks that evaluate different farming practices to provide shorebird habitat or that make recommendations on best practices, however talks that document shorebird use of agricultural landscapes will also be considered.

Khara Strum
PRBO Conservation Science
3820 Cypress Dr. #11
Petaluma, CA 94954
ph: 530-219-7207