Academic Programs

SFU's academic programs are training the next generation of big data leaders. Engaging students from diverse disciplines at all levels, SFU is providing education in big data approaches and tools, visualization, digital scholarship, data access, curation, security and more. Through our extensive range of program options, we are meeting the student demand for data-intensive educational experiences and delivering job-ready big data experts.

Master of Science in Professional Computer Science

SFU's Master of Science in Professional Computer Science develops data architects who apply a deep knowledge of computer science to create new tools that find value in the vast amounts of information generated today.

Students are well-prepared to become data scientists, programmers, solutions architects and chief data officers capable of offering insights that influence strategic decision-making. The program is challenging and ideal for those with a strong aptitude in computer science or in quantitative fields, such as engineering or physics.  

Students tackle real-world challenges, gain valuable project management experience, and grow their network of industry contacts through SFU's respected co-op program.

Terrorism, Risk, and Security Studies Professional Master’s Program (TRSS)

The Terrorism, Risk, and Security Studies Professional Master’s Program (TRSS) is a unique, interdisciplinary program, delivered completely online, that addresses security challenges from a number of perspectives. The TRSS program leverages SFU’s recognized strengths in Terrorism Studies, Human Intelligence, Computation and Big Data, Risk Assessment, Decision Analysis, and Public Policy to address security issues from a variety of diverse, yet complimentary, disciplinary perspectives.

The new TRSS MA Program will be able to offer a wide range of specialized course content to not only ensure the dissemination of industry best practices, but also encourage a broader perspective among security and intelligence professionals.

Professional Master's program in cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting hardware, software, and data from digital attacks. Due to a high degree of global connectivity, cyber attacks are increasingly more frequent and more severe. Across the world, cybersecurity professionals are in high demand; the field consistently deals with a 0% unemployment rate and a serious talent shortage. With the advantage of SFU's co-op program, the hands-on lab courses, and a well-rounded curriculum, students who specialize in this discipline are well-positioned to not only launch, but also progress in, rewarding careers with roles like cybersecurity engineer, cybersecurity analyst, cybersecurity consultant, vulnerability analyst, network architect, and more.


Visual computing is an emerging discipline that combines computer vision, deep learning, computer graphics, and interactive techniques to advance technologies for the acquisition, analysis, manipulation, and creation of 2D or 3D visual content. This concentration of the professional master's program trains computer vision scientists, software engineers, and computer graphics experts in the application of cutting-edge deep learning techniques as well as traditional methods and technologies. Graduates contribute their expertise to industries specializing in computer vision, deep learning, robotics, visual effects, video games, autonomous driving, medical imaging, or companies dealing with visual data analysis and manipulation, including social media and video-sharing platforms.

Graduate Diploma/Certificate

Bioinformatics Graduate Diploma

Provides advanced education in bioinformatics for students with a bachelor’s degree in molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry, computer science, mathematics, or related disciplines.

Graduate Certificate Program in Visual Analytics

Students will work on both developing new technologies and on their use to improve decision-making and operational effectiveness in application areas that include health care, business and finance, aerospace, public policy, criminology, environmental management, and scientific research.

Modelling of Complex Social Systems Graduate Certificate

This is an interdisciplinary graduate program crosscutting the study of social issues in criminology, health sciences, urban dynamics, computing science and mathematical modeling under the unifying theme of modeling the complex dynamics in urban neighbourhoods.

Undergraduate Programs

Certificate in Business Analytics and Decision Making

The Beedie School of Business offers its major and joint major undergraduate students the opportunity to pursue a Business Analytics and Decision Making Certificate.

Management Information Systems

The focus areas include how Information Systems and emerging technologies affect business processes, decision-making and organizational and societal change. Students learn to manage project teams, to manage and use information, and to design and build systems in support of business processes

Genomics Certificate Program

This program will help students develop skills in generating, analyzing and managing genomic data. It will also facilitate understanding the applications of genomics in the context of the more traditional life science disciplines.

Data Science Program

An interdisciplinary undergraduate program at SFU involving coursework in four different areas: Statistics, Computing Science, Mathematics, and Business. The program was designed in light of consultations with industry, analysis of employment trends, and faculty research in upcoming data technologies.

Operations Research Major

The discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions for industrial problems such as scheduling, transportation, inventory planning, quality control, and project management.