Anne Cartledge
Since becoming a Graduate of the Social Work Program at Mount Royal University (1993), Anne has advocated and worked tirelessly in many areas. Her work with the Huntington Hills Community Association, (95 - '96) was as a Community Development Worker; developing and implementing the Employment Service Program. Many contacts were established with the community through the Family Resource Centre, which she had a part in establishing. This is also the time that Anne was able to be part of the Community Resource Group, and a Community Representative for the Alberta Commissioner of Services for Children and Families as well as the Crisis Redesign Steering Committee for the City of Calgary. Both these involvements resulted in the development of productive changes in areas that affected many citizens of Calgary and Alberta. A medal Honouring outstanding Albertans (2005) was awarded to Anne for her abundant community work.
Lately Anne finds herself being an ardent, passionate and vocal advocate for Affordable housing and has attended many Conferences on Poverty and Housing. This advocacy and the extensive media involvement have been through Horizon Housing and resulted in her being presented the Annual Individual Appreciation award from Horizon Housing (2017). In 2017 she was also nominated for Alumni Achievement Award, Outstanding Alumni at Mount Royal University. Although she was not the recipient of this award the nomination was a high honour.
Assisting the marginally homeless and the homeless to find housing, Anne has used her talent for urban poetry and working with the City of Calgary in the One Window project. Recently her interest has broadened and she has become an active member of the Beyond Housing Research Project, through Dr. Victoria Burns at the University of Calgary.
She is the Founder /Advocate for Closing the Seniors' gap: AISH to Pension (2015) and has in the last three years, spoken frequently to Provincial and Federal departments regarding the gaps resulting with this issue. Speaking engagements were as well as to University Social Work classes and numerous organizations associated with Seniors. As she lives as a senior, she uses that "lived knowledge" in her new passion... Housing and better living, aging well for seniors.
Her present activism is still many-fold and she is honoured to be a part of a Research Project on Aging in the Right Place, through the University of Calgary. She has shared the speakers’ platform with Hilary Chapple and they have spoken on many panels and will continue to do so on the issue of seniors homelessness.