LCR Snapshot: Identifying LCR Integration Opportunities in Local Governments

This report summarizes key learnings from ICABCCI's inaugural workshop, which brought together 12 diverse BC communities.

In January 2019, ICABCCI kicked off with an inaugural workshop that brought together 12 BC communities representing urban and rural areas, large and small municipalities, First Nations, and regional districts, all at different stages of adaptation and mitigation, and planning and implementation. The workshop was convened to explore the opportunities and challenges of integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies at the community level.

This integrated approach, known as low carbon resilience, or LCR, can enhance the effectiveness of both mitigation and adaptation while avoiding risks and creating other co-benefits. The workshop was designed to better understand the viability of this type of approach, its potential and relevance in practice, and to establish partnerships with local governments and First Nations interested in developing LCR capacity. The workshop had three phases: 1) presentations on the theory and practice of integrated climate action; 2) presentations outlining current progress on climate action from each of the participating communities, including 10 municipalities, one regional district, and one First Nation; and 3) an interactive World Café process exploring key opportunities to embed integrated climate action in practice. The workshop highlighted the benefits of LCR and some of the entry points at which LCR could be applied in local government and First Nations contexts.