Phase 5: Implement


In Phase 5, it is time to draft an implementation plan. For each climate action, it will be necessary to determine a timeline, responsible staff/department, and budget source. The plan should also identify co-benefits and key indicators for monitoring progress. 


This phase aligns with ICLEI Canada's BARC Framework Milestone 4 and the Partners for Climate Protection's Milestone 4.

Step 5.1: Organize Actions by Priority, Responsibility, and Budget

Page 93 of the LCR Handbook

  • The information from Step 4.4 will be used to develop a summary document that outlines each department's role in advancing the Climate Action Plan. For each department, organize their priority actions based on different timelines (e.g., in the next 1-2, 3-5, 5-7, and 8-10 years) to identify big wins as well as trade-offs. 
  • LCR Tip: Consider cross-departmental alignments and/or opportunities to streamline or consolidate actions. Although some actions will require collaboration, assign lead roles to specific departments to monitor progress and to coordinate and advance community-wide efforts. It is important to assign these roles to departments, rather than individuals, to minimize the impacts of staff turnover.
  • Keep the Momentum: Compile a list of shared actions, priorities, and budgets for the Implementation Plan. 
When developing an implementation strategy, the City of Port Moody organized roles and responsibilities into the above summary table. The table illustrates the division of labour across departments over a two-year period, tallies the number of actions being advanced by each department, and estimates the required staff hours.

data_check 5.1 Step Check

  • Draft a summary document that specifies departmental roles, priority actions, timelines, and budget sources in order to build out the Implementation Plan. 

Step 5.2: Perform a Financing Analysis

Page 96 of the LCR Handbook

  • It is important to conduct a financing analysis to identify existing budget and budget-sharing opportunities as well as strategic funding priorities for elected officials. An initial budgeting plan should address anticipated budget/funding requirements for the next 2-5 years, including staff hours, consulting services, and development costs. The funding source for each action should also be identified (e.g., operational, capital, or external funding).
  • LCR Tip: One benefit of the LCR approach is that it mainstreams climate action in existing priority areas, such as health, conservation, asset management, and economic development. As a result, it can expand funding opportunities into cross-cutting areas. For more information, check back to see ACT's forthcoming LCR and SDG's Tool, which will outline synergistic opportunities to integrate and measure progress on climate action across all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Keep the Momentum: Ask the following questions to gain a better understanding of existing budgets and financing requirements:
    • What actions can be funded through existing departmental budgets?
    • To what extent can the local government redirect capital budgets to fund climate actions?
    • What additional funding sources are needed, and what funding programs are available?

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  • Develop a budgeting plan, and determine the funding source for priority actions.

Step 5.3: Collaborate on Shared Actions and Procurement

Page 98 of the LCR Handbook

  • A key outcome of the LCR planning process is the potential for joint initiatives and procurement opportunities. For example, the City of Port Moody's Operations and Planning teams collaborated on a Request for Quote (RFQ) for an audit of the resilience and energy efficiency of the City's buildings. Previously, the departments had shared common goals but were using different criteria. To draft a joint RFQ, the departments negotiated an agreement about which criteria to use, which saved staff time and streamlined municipal resources. Subsequently, a joint Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued to identify opportunities for reducing emissions and increasing resilience in the City's buildings.
  • LCR Tip: See Port Moody's joint RFP on page 119 of the LCR Handbook.
  • Keep the Momentum: Keep track of shared actions and procurement opportunities for the Implementation Plan.

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  • Assemble a collection of opportunities for collaboration, and disseminate it to the Climate Action Team.

Step 5.4: Seek Approval for the Implementation Plan

Page 98 of the LCR Handbook

  • At this stage, the information collected in the previous steps will be compiled into a concise Implementation Plan. The plan should be shared with the Climate Action Team, senior leadership, and elected officials. There should be a realistic timeframe for review, revisions, updates, and progress reports to residents, Council, and senior leadership.
  • LCR Tip: Use clear and concise messaging. Create high-level visuals and table summaries to convey key points, such as timelines, budgetary requirements, and funding requests.
  • Keep the Momentum: For more details, see the City of Port Moody's Implementation Plan for Council on pages 100-103 in the LCR Handbook.

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  • Secure approval for the Implementation Plan. 

Case Study

Image from:

From Planning to Implementation in the City of Prince George 

In 2020, the City of Prince George’s Environmental Coordinator mapped out an LCR process to streamline their (recently updated) adaptation and mitigation plans into a single climate action plan. Before they could begin, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the City to shutter its Engineering and Environment departments, rendering a planning process unfeasible. In a great example of pivoting to suit the circumstances, the Coordinator instead decided to integrate the adaptation and mitigation plans into an LCR implementation plan. To do this, she consulted key department leads to explore alignments with existing work, estimate costs and budget availability, and identify priority actions that would require resourcing over the next five years.

This case study showcases how existing climate work can be streamlined and mobilized by building support and accountability for implementation across departments.