Deborah Harford, Senior Advisor, ACT Co-founder

Deborah Harford is the Executive Vice President, Global Strategic Partnerships at Legible Media Inc. As the former executive director of ACT, Harford was responsible for the development of the initiative’s pioneering vision and its partnerships with the public, private and philanthropic sectors, as well as overall management of the program. She directed and produced ACT’s research and policy recommendations designed to advance effective, sustainable climate action strategies at all levels of government and across sectors, as well as communication and promotion of the program’s outcomes.

Through Harford’s efforts, ACT has created networks between local, national and international climate change research practitioners, NGOs, industry representatives, all levels of government, First Nations, and local communities. Harford’s work with ACT has gained her international recognition as a resource for those seeking information on climate change action and practical coping strategies.

A widely sought-after speaker and facilitator, Harford contributes to a wide variety of national and international adaptation processes and initiatives on an ongoing basis. Recent examples of engagements and partnerships include Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Expert Panel on Adaptation and Resilience Results (2018), the Council of Canadian Academies’ Expert Panel on Canada’s Top Climate Change Risks (2019), the Technical Working Group of the Canadian Centre for Climate Services, the Infrastructure & Buildings Working Group of Canada’s National Adaptation Platform, and the Expert Adaptation Panel of the new Canadian Institute for Climate Choices.

Harford is a Climate Solutions Fellow at SFU’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue. She is also an Adjunct Professor at SFU’s School of Resource and Environmental Management and the University of Toronto’s School of the Environment.