P01: User-flow Wireframes

Smart Watch: Create Custom Design

Noted User-flow

Smartwatch Interactive Wireframe

smartwatch user-flow

Separate Steps of User-flow

smartwatch user-flow step 1

1. Home Screen - main menu

smartwatch user-flow step 2

2. Create Menu - create design options

smartwatch user-flow step 3

3. Edit Design - editing pre-build design pattern

smartwatch user-flow step 3A

3A. Patterns List - a list of pre-made patterns for editing

smartwatch user-flow step 3B

3B. Edit Option - more editing options

smartwatch user-flow step 4

4. Create Design - create new design patterns

smartwatch user-flow step 4A

4A. Design Tools List - a list of tools for creating new design

smartwatch user-flow step 4B

4B. Design Options - more options for creating design

smartwatch user-flow step 5

5. Upload Design - choosing photo from device to upload

smartwatch user-flow step 6

6. Saved Design - a list of saved designs

Smart Phone: Create Custom Design

Noted User-flow

Smartphone Interactive Wireframe

smartphone user-flow

Separate Steps of User-flow

smartphone user-flow step 1

1. Home Screen - landing page

smartphone user-flow step 2

2. Menu Screen - main menu

smartphone user-flow step 3

3. Menu Screen - opening dropdown menu

smartphone user-flow step 4

4. Edit Design - editing pre-made design with editing options, and a list of related design patterns

smartphone user-flow step 5

5. Create Design - creating new design using a list of tools with more creating options

smartphone user-flow step 6

6. Upload Design - choosing and pre-viewing photo from local device to upload photo for editing

smartphone user-flow step 7

7. Saved Design - Viewing a list of saved design patterns, option to edit

Gaming Console: Create Custom Design

Noted User-flow

Gaming Console Interactive Wireframe

gaming console user-flow

Separate Steps of User-flow

gaming console user-flow step 1

1. Home Screen - landing page

gaming console user-flow step 2

2. Edit Design - create page for customizing design patterns, editing pre-made designs with more options along a list of design patterns

gaming console user-flow step 3

3. Create Design - creating new design using a list of tools with more creating options

gaming console user-flow step 4

4. Upload Design - choosing and pre-viewing photo from local device to upload photo for editing

gaming console user-flow step 5

5. Saved Design - a list of saved design patterns, option to edit