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... of Information and Computer Science,Keio University (Japan) Robert Bennett Former
Dean of Northwestern University school of Law Rosalie L. Tung President of ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

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... STC. Yonathan Ho. IS. Jocelyn Ho. STC. Rosalie Kwan. IS. Clara Tsang. STC. Sonia
Lam. IS. ... STC. Pearl Shek. STC. Sherin Siew. STC. Ching Tung. STC. Yun Ju Wang. STC.
Cera Wong. STC. ... auditions%20result%202004.doc - Similar pages

... 10% 10% 7% 9% 语言培训 60% 59% 36% 24% 敏感性培训 3% 1% 1% 0% 实
地经验 6% 6% 4% 1% 资料来源:Rosalie L. Tung, "Selection and Training ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

New Titles Listing - Monash University Library
... Integrated marketing communications [videorecording], Berwick Library Videos, International
management / edited by Rosalie L. Tung. Gippsland General Collection, ... buseco/buseco-030224.html - 59k - Cached - Similar pages

Article Archive
... Turning Expatriates Into 'World-Class' Managers, Research conducted by Rosalie Tung
of Simon Fraser University reveals the vast majority of managers said that ... - 31k - Cached - Similar pages

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... Rosalie Tung - Simon Fraser University 6 - KNOWLEDGE - Hubert St. Onge -
Senior VP Strategic Development, The Mutual Group 7 - WORKING - Prof. ... $File/1999NL001.PDF?OpenElement - Similar pages

CSDN - 柳传志的联想:网络的中坚力量
... 最初是去年8月23日他收到加拿大西蒙·福雷则大学商学教授Rosalie
L.Tung博士的邀请函,后者是国际管理科学学会副会长和 ... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] 1 DRAFT SYLLABUS This is posted for your info to help you select ...
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... Journal of International Business Studies , Winter 1998, volume 29 issue 4) (
Yongsun Park and Rosalie L. Tung, “Negotiating with East Asians ... - Similar pages

... 剑桥政府和商务道德研究中心主任. Rosalie Tung,Professor
of International Human Resources, CEIBS. 国际商务访问教授. ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

C2T2: Internationalizing the Curriculum - A Guide to Finding ...
... Tung, Rosalie. "Internationalizing the Faculty: Internationalizing Who Is Teaching
and Publishing." Journal of Business Administration 21, 102(1992/93): 31-40. ... - 57k - Cached - Similar pages Familjen Lithén i Nykarleby stads h

Joint Ventures and International Consulting
... Business Negotiations With the Japanese, Rosalie L. Tung. Negotiation in business
| United States | Commerce | Japan | Joint ventures | International Business |. ... - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

The Royal Society of Canada at Simon Fraser University - Bio
... S. Stewart, Mary, 604-291-3150. T. Thewalt, Michael, 604-291-5740. Tung,
Rosalie, 604-291-3083. W. Winston, Mark, 604-291-4459. Wolfe, Saul, 604-291-5972. ... - 17k - 8 Feb 2004 - Cached - Similar pages


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