IAT 339: P03


Color Palettes

(n.d.). Color palette for navy coral and mintlove love love this together it makes me sooo happppyyy [Pinterest post]. Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/407223991300106914/

CTA Button Animation

Lunn, I. (2017). Hover.css. Retrieved from https://ianlunn.github.io/Hover/


Robertson, C. (n.d.). Google Fonts: Roboto. Retrieved from https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto

Hover overlay

Incetta, L. (n.d.). Image color overlay. Retrieved from https://codepen.io/leincetta/pen/pJyrpg

In-Text Link

Roberts, S. (n.d.). Animated - Text Hover Effect. Retrieved from https://codepen.io/matchboxhero/pen/XeEYyy?editors=1100

Navigation Buttons Underline Animation

Spaeth, C. (n.d.). CSS Trick: Adjusting Text Underlines. Retrieved from http://artsy.github.io/blog/2012/04/10/css-trick-adjusting-text-underlines/

Responsive Video

Surdakowski, J. (2012). Responsive Youtube Embed. Retrieved from https://avexdesigns.com/responsive-youtube-embed/

Swiper for Project Carousel

Kharlampidi, V. (n.d.). Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions. Retrieved from https://github.com/nolimits4web/swiper


fat. (n.d.). Medium's Image Zoom for jQuery. Retrieved from https://github.com/fat/zoom.js/