Experience and Form Mastery Assessment

We will evaluate your work from the experience you convey in your sequence. We will look for the following.

  • At least three exciting and well-defined experiential effects.
  • A sense of built "reality" in your work. There should, for example, be no floating objects, outrageously thin members, extraordinarily long spans, objects that overwhelm the monument on the site, surreal textures,...
  • A coherent sequence of images that captures the process of walking through the site. The images should perceptually "connect"; there should be no big "jumps" as you move from image to image.
  • The quality of your written text as English prose describing, in experiential terms, your spatial strategies.
  • That, in your writing, you explain well both your spatial strategies (including giving them appropriate names) and how you have linked them into a coherent spatial narrative.