E Research Topics

Tutorials 1 2 3 4

Tutorial 1

Bulletin Board

1. The City Messenger 13-12-00 p. 5. decried the lack of concern in erecting "what has generously been
described as "sewer pipes" over Adelaide Oval, one of the prettiest cricket grounds in the world. How did this come to happen?

2. The Australian Friday 29-12-00 p.4 reported that the National Survey of Customer Satisfaction with
Public Rental Housing found that although you may wait more than 10 years for a South Australian
Housing Trust home, South Australian tenants are the happiest in the country. Why is that?

3. The Advertiser Tuesday December 26, 2000 reported that Hutchinson Wind Farms will erect 101 giant windmills in two areas of South Australia - the South East and Lake Bonney - and that the windmills
would generate in a year the electricity consumed by 1200 homes. How does wind generation work?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of employing wind power generation in South Australia?

4. The City Messenger December 6, 2000 p.13 reported that the City Skate Park City - SK8 - was
awarded the Civic Design Award by the South Australian Chapter of the Australian Institute of
Landscape Architects at its Millennium Awards Presentation Dinner. Write an illustrated critique of the
SK8. Shape your critique on a similar piece of work for any project in the LARCH Inst of Aust periodical.

5. The Advertiser, February 1997 had a cartoon showing that the word 'architect" is derived from the
Greek words Arkhi = leading and Tekton = builder. When did Architects and Builders part company?

Tutorial 2

Bulletin Board

6. The City Messenger 13-12-00 reported that Max Lieberman, developer and financier behind the
Garden East Apartments Project in the East End of the City, said at the start of the project "I was
captivated by the challenge of turning a magnificent façade surrounding a disaster area into something
worthwhile". However, the façade was partially demolished on Union Street and Grenfell Street. How did
this come to happen?

7. The Advertiser Tuesday 26 December 2000 p. 44 reported that the Adelaide Botanic Gardens had, for
the previous 12 months received 911, 600 visitors to be the most visited tourist attraction in South
Australia. The article highlighted the fact that those attractions which do not charge attendances "have
people streaming in". What makes the Botanic Gardens so popular?

8. The Weekend Australian 18-19 November 2000, p.2 reported the words of Nigel Shaw, the Chairman
of the judging jury for the recent RAIA national awards. Shaw said "the winners used technology to its
greatest advantage to minimise energy use and maximise the use of space". Find out about award
winning buildings which minimise energy usage. How and why do they work?

9. Steel Profile no 71, June 2000 2-9 critiqued Melbourne's newest bridge spanning the Spencer Street
Rail yards. Select a pedestrian bridge in Adelaide, and provide a similar critique.

10. The Weekend Australian November 18-19 p.20 reported that "Architecture and its intersection with
industrial design have fuelled Frank Bauer's work". In what other work is this synergy visible? Clue: Look
at the Bauhaus movement Write a similar newspaper style general public accessible analysis of this
synergy reflecting on several pieces of design work, and the forces that created them.

Tutorial 3

Bulletin Board

11. The Advertiser March 17 2000 reported that Peter Sellars, the newly appointed Artistic Director of
the Adelaide Festival of Arts 2002, said "When I came to Adelaide, I was shocked, you know, in
downtown Adelaide there are just more ugly buildings than you can imagine…" Is Adelaide ugly?

12. St Peters Residents Association Newsletter October 2000 reported on a forthcoming public meeting
to be addressed by Dr Miles Lewis on the subject of "Save our Suburbs". Dr Lewis "believes that the
urban consolidation policies now being implemented in Adelaide are destructive of residential amenity
and our rights as residents. [He] advocates a different approach to urban development. " What is the
Save our Suburbs campaign? Who is best served by this movement? Is it simply another means of the
existing residents preventing anyone else moving into their suburb?

13. Building Products News November /December 2000 p.66 featured an article about the Building
Design Professionals (BDP) Environmental Design Guide (EDG) which was recently launched in
Melbourne. Who are the BDP and what is the focus of the BDP EDG Special Issue August 2000 on
strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through design? What is the relevance of retrofitting
to this consideration of reducing greenhouse gas emissions?

14. The Australian November 27 2000, p.17 carried a story about the Carillon in Canberra, noteworthy
because it was the recipient of a 25 year Award given by the ACT Chapter of the Royal Australian
Institute of Architects for buildings 25 years or more old. If the local S.A. Chapter of Architects and/or
S.A. Chapter of Landscape Architects were handing out similar 25 year Awards in 2001, which buildings
and landscapes would be worthy recipients?

15. The City Messenger City Life Section December 6 2000 featured a story about Phillips/Pilkington
Architects winning the Fourth Adelaide Prize 2000 for innovation and excellence in architecture,
engineering and urban design in the City of Adelaide. "Members of the jury were impressed by the
feeling of spaciousness and the way the interior planning had been changed so that the living areas now
all faced the internal courtyard. The other important contribution, which the jury considered, was the way
the renovation joined the life of the street, replacing a high, masonry wall that presented a blank,
unfriendly face to its neighbours with a low front fence. The jury commended this brave gesture." Write
an illustrated, critical analysis of the 4 Adelaide Prize winners.

Tutorial 4

Bulletin Board

16. The Advertiser September 13, 2000 p.17 featured an article in the Money section describing
viewpoints on whether you were well advised to renovate your home purely as an investment. The photo
illustration showed a home that was not sympathetically renovated. Does it matter, both to the
illustrated house, and to others, whether renovations are contextual with the original style? Research
and describe different viewpoints.

17. The Australian November 1, 2000 p.4 responded to NSW Premier Bob Carr "outlawing" building
designers designing residential buildings 3 stories and higher as reported in The Australian October 31,
2000 p.3. Registered Architects, said Carr, would have "the sole right to submit plans to council for
higher buildings". This was because building draftsmen had created "lousy brick shoeboxes" in
suburbia. Is this a reasonable argument? Why were building designers so upset? Does their argument
have equal credibility?

18. The Weekend Australian November 4-5, 2000 p.1 Careers Section carried a career profile of
Landscape Architect James Rosenwax, who said that he entered the profession of Landscape
Architecture "because he was interested in both science and the environment." What do Landscape
Architects do that James can say this?

19. Paul Carter, the consultant to the North Terrace cultural Precint project, has used the term "place
making". What does this term mean in this cultural context?

20. Building Products News November /December 2000 p.68 in its ECO news section reported that an
"energy conscious Melbourne family has saved more than a thousand dollars in fuel bills - and enjoyed
relief from asthma for two young children - since moving into their highly energy-efficient house two
years ago." How did they do it? What are the design recommendations for others pursuing this life-style
of energy-efficiency and asthma relief?