E Research Tasks

Select, from the five (5) topics available to your Tutorial Group something that really interests you from
the recent newspaper reportage of the Built Environment.

Without moving far from campus, and using a bulletin board system, you will analyse, and research one
issue that you personally are interested in. You'll do it in a discussion group of 5 people selected from
your tutorial group.

We would like you to become well equipped at professional writing, referencing, library searching, using
indexes and data-bases, verifying the veracity of web-sites you are referencing, and above all responding
to claims, points and debates. We believe a relevant way to amass these skills is through being in a
discussion group where you weekly (at least) make a researched contribution which responds to points
raised by others in your group.

The bulletin boards will run for four weeks, and you need to make at least one contribution per week.
The contriubutions must be made by:

  • Week 1 Tuesday/Wednesday (in scheduled tutorial)
  • Week 2 Monday 5th March 5pm.
  • Week 3 Monday 12th March 5pm.
  • Week 4 Monday 19th March 5pm.