Electronic Bulletin Board e Task 3

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e-Task 3

Write a brief critical summary (approximately 300-400 of your own words), articulating the key points and argument of the assigned essay: "The Machine in Architectural Thinking," by Liane Lefaivre and Alexander Tzonis. Your text must be substantiated by at least three (3) specific quotations from this article, and references to one or more other books or articles pertinent to the argument. All such quotations and references must be fully and correctly cited according to the referencing conventions of the ‘Chicago Style’ (see ‘Readings/References’ in the main course notes.)

Tzonis and Lefaivre provide few if any direct illustrations of the actual architecture they refer to in the essay. Drawing upon your knowledge of ancient and medieval architecture (those of you who took ITA last year), and your preliminary readings in this course regarding ‘modern’ landscape, architecture and urban design, your text must, furthermore, propose and briefly justify at least one specific example of each of the following terms as employed in the original essay:

  • "archaic design" or ‘divinatory architecture’
  • "mechanisation in design" (in the post-Gallilean era)
  • "functionalism" in recent design history
  • (Note: The e-BB allows you to ‘attach’ files, including graphics files, to any message you submit to the bulletin board. See if you can find and attach actual images from the internet or other sources, to illustrate the examples you propose.)

    Publish your text and attachments on the e-BB under the discussion topic: ‘(3) Machine’

    Assessment: 5%