
Qilin Hu
Ph.D. Student, Heterogeneous Computing Systems Researcher

Applied Science Building
8888 University Drive
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

Email: qilin_hu [at]

I am a visiting Ph.D. student in Engineering Science at the Simon Fraser University, advised by Prof. Zhenman Fang. My research interests include: High-Performance Computing, Parallel Computing, Memory Systems, and Hardware/Software Codesign. I am also a Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Technology at the Hunan University, under the supervision of Prof. Chubo Liu and co-supervision of Prof. Keqin Li. During this period, my major work focused on memory systems modeling and cache behavior simulation. I received my M.S. from HNU, under the supervision of Prof. Kenli Li on parallel algorithm design.

Currently, I am a heterogeneous computing systems researcher and focus on hardware-accelerated implementation of fully homomorphic encryption.


Journal Articles


Efficient Parallel Secure Outsourcing of Modular Exponentiation to Cloud for IoT Applications IoTJ

Qilin Hu, Mingxing Duan, Zhibang Yang, Siyang Yu, Bin Xiao
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 8 Issue 16 (August 2021): 12782 - 12791.

Modular exponentiation, an operation widely utilized in cryptographic protocols to transfer text and other forms of data, can also be applied to Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices with high security requirements. However, due to the high resource consumption of modular exponentiation, IoT devices can face the problem of resource insufficient. Fortunately, the secure outsourcing scheme offers a new solution for resource-constrained devices. In this article, we apply a parallel secure outsourcing scheme to provide the possibility for modular exponentiation operation, which is used in the IoT devices. After that, the task of modular exponentiation is decomposed and we introduce the scheme in more detail. In addition, based on this scheme, we designed an extension scheme for RSA, providing enhanced security for IoT devices. Finally, the analysis of experimental results based on 512-4096 b of data indicates the superiority in scalability and time consumption over the previous schemes.
@ARTICLE{9214962, author={Hu, Qilin and Duan, Mingxing and Yang, Zhibang and Yu, Siyang and Xiao, Bin}, journal={IEEE Internet of Things Journal}, title={Efficient Parallel Secure Outsourcing of Modular Exponentiation to Cloud for IoT Applications}, year={2021}, volume={8}, number={16}, pages={12782-12791}, doi={10.1109/JIOT.2020.3029030}}


December 2020
National Scholarship, Ministry of Education of China