Department of Mathematics
Spring 2010
MATH 462 - Fluid Dynamics
Class Webpage
Class Resources:
books & lecture notes (reserve list)
webct & discussion group (
This Week in MATH 462:
- 28 January
script: random data pruning
- 26 January
classic movie: pressure fields and fluid acceleration
classic movie: vorticity, part 1
- 22 January
next assignment, version 2.1
bernoulli's principle animation
bernoulli or not (link)
mis-applications of bernoulli's principle
bernoulli in the news: how many mis-applications can you find?
Web Resources & Interest:
History (& possible Future):
  week 01: introduction to fluids
  week 02: physical derivation of Euler's equations
  week 03: Euler, Bernoulli and vorticity
  week 04: streamlines & irrotational flow
  week 05: intro to analytic functions & potential flow
  week 06: more potential flow
  week 07: theory of flight
  week 08:
  week 09: surface water waves
  week 10: theory of sound
  week 11: vortex lines
  week 12: viscosity