Department of Mathematics
Spring 2003

MACM 202 - Introduction to Discrete & Continuous Models

Week 10

12 March
  lab report instructions (pdf)
  truss info from Beer & Johnston (pdf)
12 March
  truss editor (w10make.m)
  matrix load (w10tower.m)
  truss template (pdf)
11 March
  lab instructions (lab10.txt)
  input triangle truss (w10mytruss0.m)
  truss set-up (w10setup.m)
  matrix solve (w10solve.m)

10 March
  input triangle truss (w10mytruss0.m)
  truss set-up (w10setup.m)
  matrix solve (w10solve.m)

Web Resources & Interest:

  engineering overheads (link)
  pasta bridge, 2002 (link)
  popsicle stick bridge, 2003 (link)
  history of truss bridges (link)