lab #10 worksheet ---------------- - make a new folder for week 10 - files for this week: w1setup.m w10solve.m w10mytruss0.m - start matlab & change to the week 10 folder KEY ACTIVITY: design a 2D wooden bell tower & begin to understand why 3D structural engineers should get paid the big bucks. warm-up ------- rerun the triangle example from class. try to understand what goes on in the sequence: w10mytruss0 w10setup w10solve type out the following variables: nodes, join, loads Nnodes, Nstrut struts, Xstrut, Ystrut, length, angles loadA, loadR join2, matrix, vector, solution compare "solution" to the result of "sol=-matrix\vector". DESIGN #0 --------- make a new "mytruss" file that corresponds to the 11 march image on the class webpage. count the # of unknowns & equations. a) type in the node coordinates. run "w10setup" to check the placement & numbering (it will give an error, but the blue dots will be plotted). b) type in the join matrix. running "w10setup" occasionally will give you a check. c) type in the load matrix for 100% of the load at the top. for example, if the top is node 27: loads = zeros(size(nodes)); loads(27,:) = [0 -100]; d) not unexpectedly, "w10solve" dies horribly. there are too many unknowns (Nstrut+3=17) for the number of equations (2*Nnodes=16). e) set "join(6,7)=0" in your "mytruss" file, now "w10solve" is happy. note that a lot of the internal struts are not doing anything! this is not a great design! (not that i knew this yesterday.) DESIGN #1 --------- design a wooden bell tower. the very heavy bell is to be at least units above the ground (load = -100% downward), but there are constraints. a) regular strut lengths can be no longer than 2 units (CHANGED). "ground struts", that is, struts along the ground, are not restricted to length & do not count in part d) below. b) the lateral "footprint" of the tower is no more than 6 units, the height must be no more than 10 units. c) you are allowed to use up to 4 struts with extra length -- 6 units (CHANGED) -- but these are steel cables & hence must be under tension! d) calculate: total length of all struts ($cost of tower). the max |force| on the regular struts. the max |force| on the special cables. your evaluation will be partially based on these figures & the architectural style. building tips: your biggest problem will be getting the # of struts + 3 = 2 * # of nodes also, you will need to build a stable structure. the solve routine will give really weird numbers if your truss doesn't make sense. these numbers will not be right. define node 1 and 2 to be your support nodes. WARNING: design your tower from the ground up. don't build the whole thing in one shot, you'll like get "inf's". build a base, then run the solve (be sure to give a load!) to check for good design. continue building up. (ps: i actually built one of mine from the top down. also useful was defining node 3 to be the bell node with load.) DESIGN #2 --------- take your tower from design #1 and subject it to a lateral wind load (as well as the bell). assume the total lateral wind force is the same as the bell (100%), but it should be fairly distributed at all exposed nodes. note: those long cables do not shield the tower from the wind. (i will discuss this in class on WED.) if your tower is asymmetric, you should check the wind loading from both sides.