Style Guide

A style guide for Spoke, a bicycle company.

Colour Palette:

White: #ffffff

website background

Dark Grey: #202021

text colour

Olive Green: #818476

accent colour
subheading colour

Color Choices:

CSS selector:










Sample Code:

<a class="cardboardColor" href="#"></a> <a class="mintColor" href="#"></a> <a class="tealColor" href="#"></a> <a class="brickColor" href="#"></a> <a class="mustardColor" href="#"></a> <a class="skyColor" href="#"></a> <a class="ketchupColor" href="#"></a> <a class="blackColor" href="#"></a> <a class="darkblueColor" href="#"></a> <a class="aquaColor" href="#"></a>

Rendered element:

Navigation Button

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<a href="#" class="button">Navigation Button</a>

Rendered element:

Navigation Button

In-text link

CSS selector:


<a class="in-text-link" href="#">In-text Link</a>

Rendered element:

In-text Link

Button with green fill

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<a class="button-fill" href="#" >Submit</a> <a class="button-fill" href="#" >Add to Cart</a> <a class="button-fill" href="#" >Subscribe</a> <a class="button-fill" href="#" >Confirm and Review Order</a>

Rendered element:

Submit Add to Cart Subscribe Confirm and Review Order

Button with outline

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<a class="button-outline" href="#">Suggested Routes</a>

Rendered element:

Suggested Routes

Form Input Field

CSS selector:

form { }

input { }

label { }




Sample code:

<div class="checkoutelement"> <h2 class ="checkoutheaders">Checkout Header</h2> <form action="demo_form.asp" method="get" style="padding-bottom: 1em"> <input type="checkbox" name="Shipping" checked="checked"> A Checkbox<br> </form> <div class="dropdown grid-col-checkout-6of12right"> <label for="dropdown-credit">A Dropdown</label> <button class="dropdown-picker" id="dropdown-credit" style="width: 100%">Options   ▾</button> <div class="dropdown-content" style="width: 100%"> <a href="#">Option 1</a> <a href="#">Option 2</a> <a href="#">Option 3</a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-col-m-4of12 grid-col-4of12" style="text-align: left"> <form method="post" action="#"> A Text Input Field <input type="text" required="required"><br> A Comment Box Text Area <br> <label for="commentinput"></label> <textarea class="comment" required="required" id="commentinput"> </textarea> <br> <br> <a class="button-fill" href="#"> Submit </a> </form> </div>

Rendered element:

Checkout Header

A Checkbox
A Text Input Field
A Comment Box Text Area


Text Elements Section:


CSS selector:





Sample code:

<p href="#" class="heading1">Heading1</p> <p href="#" class="heading2">Heading2</p> <p href="#" class="heading3">Heading3</p> <p href="#" class="heading4">Heading4</p>

Rendered Element:






CSS selector:



Sample code:

<p class="heading2" ><span style="color: #818476">Subheading</span></p>

Rendered Element:




CSS selector:


Sample code:

<p class="paragraph">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis egestas risus. Proin ut posuere lorem, auctor vehicula risus. Maecenas a risus lacinia, laoreet nisl sit amet, fringilla tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc urna ante, congue eu eros vel, elementum feugiat mi.</p>

Rendered Element:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis egestas risus. Proin ut posuere lorem, auctor vehicula risus. Maecenas a risus lacinia, laoreet nisl sit amet, fringilla tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc urna ante, congue eu eros vel, elementum feugiat mi.

Bulleted Lists

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<ul class="ulist"> <li> an item on this list </li> <li> an item on this list </li> <li> an item on this list </li> </ul>

Rendered Element:

Numbered Lists

CSS selector:


Sample code:

<ol class="olist"> <li> first item on this list </li> <li> second item on this list </li> <li> third item on this list </li> </ol>

Rendered Element:

  1. first item on this list
  2. second item on this list
  3. third item on this list

Combined Elements Section:

Main Navigation

CSS selector:



Sample code:

<header id="top"> <nav class="grid-row"> <div class="grid-col-m-2of12 grid-col-1of12"> <a class="logobutton" href=""> <img src="img/logo.png" class="logo"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-col-m-2of12 grid-col-1of12" style="float: right"> <a class="button-nav" href="">Cart</a> </div> <div class="grid-col-m-2of12 grid-col-1of12" style="float: right"> <a class="button-nav" href="">About Us</a> </div> <div class="grid-col-m-2of12 grid-col-1of12" style="float: right"> <a class="button-nav" href="">Plan Trip</a> </div> <div class="grid-col-m-2of12 grid-col-1of12" style="float: right"> <a class="button-nav" href="">Products</a> </div> </nav> </header>

Rendered Element:

logo Cart About Us Plan Trip Products

Product Listing

CSS selector:







Sample code:

<div class="grid-col-m-6of12 grid-col-4of12"> <figure> <a href=""> <img src="img/bike_agatha.jpg" alt="Agatha Bike" height="300" width="500"> </a> <h3 class="heading4"> <a class="in-text-link" href=""> Agatha Bike </a> </h3> <p class="productPrice"> <em>>>CAD $193</em>> </p> <div style="text-align: left">> <a class="mintColor" href=""> </a> <a class="tealColor" href=""> </a> <a class="brickColor" href=""> </a> </div> </figure> </div>

Rendered Element:


Rendered Element:

4K grid
9 column grid
Smartphone grid
3 column grid
Smartwatch grid
2 column grid