Joanna Woo                                        

About Me

(More than research...)

I am a Canadian of Asian descent. I was born and raised in Richmond, BC, a suburb of the multicultural metropolis of Vancouver.
Vancouver, BC
Beautiful Vancouver, BC.
From about age 11 or so I became interested in astronomy and space science, likely due to a family obsession with Star Trek (specifically the several series set in the 24th century, if you wanted to know). I got my first telescope at around that time and managed to find several deep-sky objects, even through the light pollution of Vancouver.
H. R. MacMillan Space Centre
H. R. MacMillan Space Centre
I did my B.Sc. in Honours Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia. While studying, I also resurrected and became the president of the UBC Astronomy Club which is still active to this day. At the same time I held a part time job at the H. R. MacMillan Space Centre touring guests in the Cosmic Courtyard as well as giving lectures at the Gordon MacMillan Southam Observatory.

Being the adventurous type, I decided to relocate to the other side of the planet. I did my M.Sc. and Ph.D. at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem with Prof. Avishai Dekel. Along with a rigorous physics education (which was all in Hebrew), I also picked up two languages (Hebrew and Arabic), as well as a first-hand familiarity with multiple fascinating Middle Eastern cultures.
The Herodion
Standing on top of the Herodion in the Judean Desert; Photo credit: Jesse Kopp
Me in front of the Dome of the Rock
Are you more fascinated by the Dome of the Rock behind me, or by the hat?

After my PhD I did a postdoc at the Institute for the Astronomy in beautiful Zurich, Switzerland. Along with doing cool research, I learned Swiss German and the violin (I no longer sound like a dying cat). I also enjoyed biking the spectacular Swiss Alps. Biking
Biking the Panoramaweg to the Aare Glacier near Grimsel Pass

After a long stint away, I returned to Canada where I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Victoria. Along with leading some exciting research, I am reacquainted myself with Canadian food, and the local wildlife.
Vegetarian poutine
Vegetarian poutine
Spotted near UVic
Spotted near UVic
Loves the UVic Library
Loves the UVic Library
Another UVic resident
Another UVic resident

I am now a faculty member of the Department of Physics at Simon Fraser University. Aside from teaching and research, one of the most fun things I'll be doing is managing the beautiful Trottier Observatory.
Inside the Trottier Observatory
Inside the Trottier Observatory
Credit: Diane Mar-Nicolle