the RELEASE (event)

the RELEASE SITE (the installation site)
On August 2nd, Bottled Media was set up and run at the Burnaby campus of Simon Fraser University (SFU). Although challenged with a difficult location and a tight timeline, that first installation of Bottled Media was considered a great success. Over 100 individuals came out to experience this event. The installation successfully focused attention both on the students and also on the Interactive Arts and Technology program of the SFU Surrey Campus.

Don't feel alienated if you missed our first Release at SFU Burnaby. More Releases will be held in the near future, so please check back for more information!

the RELEASE webSITE (the remote location site)
Students from SFU invite you to experience an innovative installation to raise awareness of Alienation. If you were unable to experience Bottled Media on the Release Date, it isn't too late. On August 9th 2007, Bottled Media will be released on this very website! Pick up a bottled message from our virtual beach and experience the same messages as those that were available at the Release Site!

Our website will continue to remain active for those who wish to experience or even re-experience Bottled Media.