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Re: Do you do HSM?


I was notified a new RFE regarding HSM, and thought you might be interested to follow:

RFE: batch HSM option to avoid large redolog operations if interrupted"


----- Original Message -----
> Hello all,
> I got 8 replies and many of you shared details on storage
> architecture, scripts to schedule backups/HSM, and tips on network
> connections and HSM policies.
> Attached is a general summary but it left out quite a lot of details
> that are not easy to sum up in there, in particular, SAN disk types
> and RADI configurations etc. Please refer original threads for those.
> Consensus on top issues:
> 1. HSM is a matured ZCS feature to manage tiered storage
> 2. Use fiber channel connections to slower SAN disks, or iSCSI/SAN,
> NFS is not recommended
> 3. Should have redundancy configuration on HSM
> 4. Generally no concerns on running HSM and backup job at the same
> time, but should separate them when possible. HSM can be
> started/aborted with no harm
> 5. HSM is not as heavy as backup jobs, so it does not seem to impact
> server performance
> 5. Data age policy is adjusted based on factors such as primary disk
> saving and accessing time on HSM. Start from a higher aging policy (6
> months, e.g.) and reduce until you get a good balance between the two.
> 6. Most organizations have different quota policy based on
> affiliation.
> If anything that's incorrect or inaccurate in the summary, that's my
> fault and please feel free to post corrections!
> Thanks to everyone again for your input. We are moving on to test and
> deploy HSM in our environment.
> Xueshan
> --
> Xueshan Feng <sfeng@stanford.edu>
> Technical Lead, IT Services, Stanford University


Xueshan Feng <sfeng@stanford.edu>
Technical Lead, IT Services, Stanford University