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Re: High-volume server settings

On February 17, 2009, Dmitry S. Makovey wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> We are running Zimbra in a limited capacity right now. We've sorted out
> issues with OS/hardware level (I think), but now it seems we're stuck with
> application configuration. Apparently some on that list are running several
> thousands accounts per mailbox just fine and ours is stuttering (lots of
> 50x HTTP errors on proxy boxes) on a measly several hundred accounts. Any
> tips as far as app config goes? For example: what are the thread numbers
> for multi-thousand boxes? Ours right now are:
> $ zmprov gs mailboxX.ca | grep -i threads
> zimbraHttpNumThreads: 1000
> zimbraHttpSSLNumThreads: 50
> zimbraImapNumThreads: 200
> zimbraLmtpNumThreads: 20
> zimbraPop3NumThreads: 100
> zimbraScheduledTaskNumThreads: 20
> Is there anything else of particular interest for larger deployments?

Just to add about our existing environment: we've got 2 mailboxes, 1st is 
doing only logging (0 accounts) and second one is taking all the accounts 
(300 at the moment). Then we have 2 LDAP machines, 2 MTA machines, 2 proxy 
machines. Most of the above was done with redundancy in mind and 
load-balancing when things get rough. Mailboxes are Xen virtual machines, 
however they are running on a dedicated servers - meaning they don't share 
resources with anything else (24G RAM+6 Cores). The purpose of running them 
inside of VM is easy hardware/VM migration. The rest of services are hosted 
on 2 other machines (3 + 3) inside of Xen VMs as well. All runs off FC SAN 
storage (except for /opt/zimbra/backup which is a SATA SAN storage). From 
above I think it's obvious we're running 64bit, and it's RHEL5.

According to our monitoring those environments don't look awfully busy from 
any angle (CPU/IO/Mem) but I might be looking in wrong places.

Dmitry Makovey
Web Systems Administrator
Athabasca University
(780) 675-6245

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