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High-volume server settings

Hi everybody,

We are running Zimbra in a limited capacity right now. We've sorted out issues 
with OS/hardware level (I think), but now it seems we're stuck with 
application configuration. Apparently some on that list are running several 
thousands accounts per mailbox just fine and ours is stuttering (lots of 50x 
HTTP errors on proxy boxes) on a measly several hundred accounts. Any tips as 
far as app config goes? For example: what are the thread numbers for 
multi-thousand boxes? Ours right now are:

$ zmprov gs mailboxX.ca | grep -i threads
zimbraHttpNumThreads: 1000
zimbraHttpSSLNumThreads: 50
zimbraImapNumThreads: 200
zimbraLmtpNumThreads: 20
zimbraPop3NumThreads: 100
zimbraScheduledTaskNumThreads: 20

Is there anything else of particular interest for larger deployments?

Dmitry Makovey
Web Systems Administrator
Athabasca University
(780) 675-6245

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