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Re: Zimbra 5.0.7 and GAL Tokenize

We're probably going to have to wait for 5.0.9 for GAL fixes; 5.0.8 is going to have a very limited number of critical fixes for a big customer.

I ended up working around the GAL tokenize bug by making LDAP commonName multivalued (as I've been telling folks it should have been for years), listing all frequent searched name forms:

R. Philip Hanes, Jr
Philip Hanes
Phil Hanes
R Hanes
P Hanes

So now I can find Philip Hanes with (&(cn=%s*)(sn=%s*)) without the false positives you'd get from a leading wildcard. Slightly faster without the need to look at givenname/edupersonnickname, too.
However, we're still severely affected by http://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=24361. The GAL behavior for 5.0.7 is definitely worse than 5.0.6.

Choose your poison:

 * 5.0.6 fixes a lot of things in 5.0.5 -- most importantly for us, display of calendar items with certain weird recurrence rules (originally imported from GroupWise)
 * I was in a rush to upgrade to 5.0.7 because 5.0.6 broke ability to remove members of contact groups, http://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=28593.
 * 5.0.7 is also the minimum for iPhone 2.0 support.
 * 5.0.7 broke the tab key for message compose in new window: http://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=28643 (fixed in 5.0.8)
Rich Graves http://claimid.com/rcgraves
Carleton.edu Sr UNIX and Security Admin
CMC135: 507-646-7079 Cell: 952-292-6529