Connectome Analysis
My PhD thesis is about developing new methods for computer aided analysis of diffusion tensor images of the brain. In particular, my focus was on images of the brains of infants born pre-term. I explored new and better ways to leverage information about the connective brain white matter fibers for analysis of development and prediction of neurodevelopmental outcomes. Publications:[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
Bladder Radiation Dose Accumulation
During radiation therapy of targets in the lower abdomen, deformable organs like the bladder may receive varying, unknown amounts of cumulative radiation dosage to different parts of the tissue. We are trying to find more accurate methods for accumulated dose measurements of multiple radiation applications to bladder wall tissue to improve understanding of how different dosages affect outcomes. I have been helping another student on this project at the BCCA. Publications:[1][2][3][4][5]
Image Analysis Projects
Panorama Stitching
Panorama stitching implementation for wide FOV landscapes.
Structure From Motion
3D scene reconstruction from multiple monocular photos at different view-points.
Photometric Stereo
Scene normal map extraction and scene re-lighting using multiple photos with varying lighting.
Brain Landmark Localization
This was a system that use machine learning to accurately locate specific landmarks in 3D MR images of the brain. It was a final project for CMPT 815: Machine Learning.
Graphics Projects
Realtime GPU Raytracer
An extension of an OpenCL project done for CS 825: Multi-core Architecture. I made another ray-tracer that rendered (very simple scenes) on the GPU at interactive frame rates.
Ray-Tracing B-Spline Surfaces
A project done for CS 779: Splines and Surfaces. This was an extension of my previous ray-tracer where I added support for B-Spline ray intersection (without tessellation).
First Person Puzzle Game
This game was written as a final project for CS 488: Computer Graphics. It features model picking, simple animations, normal mapping, etc. Prizes were awarded for students' efforts and it received an honourable mention.
Ray Tracer
Again a project completed for CS 488 and the basis for my work on my B-Splines Ray Tracer. It features reflections, super-sampling, parallel rendering and a .x file loader. The link is to an image rendered with it.
Other Academic Projects
Chinese To English Translator
A final project for CMPT 825: Natural Language Processing. Our system used large statistical language and translation models to generate english text from chinese input.
Scalable Map/Reduce Subset Counter
We created a highly scalable system to count itemsets using the Map/Reduce paradigm. The system was written with Hadoop for Java. It was a final project for CMPT 741: Data Mining.
Graph Labelling Reduction to TSP
In this project, I reviewed a primal-dual solution to the graph labelling problem and then showed how this could be, in prinicple, a strategy for solving the traveling sales-person problem.