Translations | ||||||||||||
Japanese 1. Technology in a Global World [PDF] 2. Preface to the Japanese edition of Alternative Modernity [web link] 3. Democratic Rationalization [web link] 4. Respecting the Virtual Subject [PDF] 5. Can Technology Incorporate Values? (Tekunoroji ha kati to gattai dekiruka? -- Jidai no mondai ni taisuru Marukuze no kai tou), published in Jouhou Mondai Kenkyu, 2003. [PDF] 6. The Rational Critique of Rationality [PDF] 7. Japanese review of Questioning Technology [PDF] 8. A Survey on the "American School" in the Philosophy of Technology by Yoko Arisaka [PDF - 6MB]
Chinese 1. Comment on Alternative Modernity by Lujun [html file] 2. Modernity and Technology (partial draft translation in Chinese) [html file] 3. Modernity Theory and Technology Studies [html file] 4. Feenberg’s Critical Theory of Technology by Cao Guan Fa [html file] 5. Technology in a Global World [html file] 6. Six Paradoxes of Technology [PDF] 7. See also E-Business Monthly articles [web link] 8. Transhumanism? [PDF] 9. Alternative Modernity [PDF] 10. Great Refusal or Long March: How to Think about the Internet [PDF] 11. Gao Haiqing interviews Andrew Feenberg in Studies of Dialectics of Nature, 2015 [PDF] 12. The Philosophy of Praxis, Chapter 1 in Tsinghua Law Review [PDF] 13. Encountering Technology in Science and Culture Review 邂 逅技术英文原文 [PDF] 14. Chinese translation of Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technology and Modernity, Gold Wall Press, 2015 [preface] 15. Chinese translation of Realizing Philosophy: Marx, Lukács and the Frankfurt School (article) [PDF] |
Korean 1. Review of Transforming Technology by SoYeon Park [PDF] 2. Interview by Jinhee Lee [JPG file] 3. Interview in Donga Ilbo, 12 Oct. 2010, p. A33 [JPG file] 4. Technology and Human Finitude, 17 October 2013 [PDF] 5. Chapter 1 of Heidegger and Marcuse: The Catastrophe and Redemption of History by Wha-Chul Son - 19 April 2014 [PDF] |
Italian 1. Review of Questioning Technology by Marina Maestrutti [PDF] 2. Preface to La tecnologia in discussione [PDF] 3. Traduzione e commento critico del testo: Andrew Feenberg, "Alternative Modernity" [PDF] 4. “Perché Marcuse oggi?” Intervista ad Andrew Feenberg di Silvia de Bianchi, Essere Comunisti, marted“ 21 ottobre 2008 [PDF]
Greek 1. Postindustrial Discourses [html file] 2. Subversive Rationalization [PDF] 3. Interview with Tasos Tsakir in Journal of Editors, 2014 [PDF] |
Portuguese 1. Chapter 1 of Transforming Technology [PDF] 2. Chapter 7 of Transforming Technology [PDF] 3. Critical Theory of Technology [PDF] 4. Andrew Feenberg: Racionalização Democrítica, Poder e Tecnologia, ed. R. Neder [PDF] 5. Ciclo de Conferncias Teoria Crítica da Tecnologia (parte 1) [web link] 6. Marcuse's Phenomenology: Reading Chapter 6 of One-Dimensional Man [PDF] 7. Tecnologia e finitude humana [PDF] 8. Andrew Feenberg: A metateoria da filosofia: a formulação de Lukàcs [PDF] 9. University of Brasília talk on ICTs and universities: Future of the University - 25 March 2014 [web link] 10. A libertacao de natureza - December 2013 [PDF] 11. Entrevista com Andrew Feenberg,” Scientiae Studia, vol. 7, no. 1, jan-mar., 2009, pp. 165-171 [PDF] 12. Special issue on Andrew Feenberg, Revista de Filosofia Aurora, v.27, n.40, 2015 [content] 13. O que é Filosofia da Tecnologia? by Franco Nero Antunes Soares [PDF] 14. Da Psicologia à Ontologia by Clàudia Dalla Rosa Soares, Artefilosofia- June 2015 [web link] [PDF] 15. Simondon e o construtivismo: uma contribuição recursiva à teoria da concretização, Sci. stud. vol.13 no.2 S‹o Paulo abr./jun. 2015 [PDF] 16. A realização da filosofia: Marx, Lukàcs e a Escola de Frankfurt [web link] [PDF] 17. Teoria Crítica, velhos e novos desafi os: entrevista com Andrew Feenberg [PDF] 18. Marcuse ou Habermas: Duas Críticas da Tecnologia [PDF] 19. A Polêmica Educação Online e o Futuro da Universidade [PDF]
French 1. Le probléme de la modernité dans la philosophie de Nishida [PDF] 2. Technocratie et Rébellion: Les Évenéments de Mai 1968 (Chapter 2 of Questioning Technology) [PDF] 3. Technologie et Transition (Chapter 2 of Transforming Technology) [PDF] 4. La Rationalisation du jeu: Une Théorie critique du jeu numérique [web link] [PDF] 5. Le Mouvement Écologiste et la poltique technologique [PDF] 6. Le Désordre Économique et Érotique [PDF] 7. Les dix paradoxes de la technologie [PDF] 8. [Re]Penser la technique [PDF] 9. La pensée de la technique: pour une approche humaniste (preview) [web link] [PDF] 10. Le monde de l'écrit: théorie et pratique de la conférence assistée par ordinateur (1992) [PDF] 11. L'anthropologie et la question de la nature. Réflexions sur l'Écologie des autres, de Philippe Descola [PDF] 12. Technique et capitalisme: entretien avec Andrew Feenberg [web link] [PDF] 13.Praxis et theorie critique. Entretien avec Andrew Feenberg [web link] 14.Concrétiser Simondon et le constructivisme. Une contribution récursive à la théorie de la concrétisation [PDF] 15. Internet et la Fin de la Dystopie [web link] 16. Vers une théorie critique de l'Internet [PDF] 17. La médiation est le message: Rationalité et pouvoir dans la Théorie critique de la Téchnologie [PDF] 18. La Democratisation de la Technique [PDF] 19. Théorie Critique des technologies et Science and Technology Studies [PDF] From French (documents from the May events of 1968) Translations of documents from the May Events of 1968 [PDF]
German 1. Dialektischer Konstructivismus: Zur Actualitat von Lukács’ Konzept der transformierenden Praxis [PDF] 2. Marcuse: Uber Technik und Wert [PDF] 3. Heidegger und Marcuse: Zerfall und Rettung der Aufklärung [PDF] |
Spanish 1. Racionalizacion Democratica: Tecnologia, Poder, y Libertad [html file] 2. La ense–anza "online" y las Opciones de Modernidad [PDF] 3. Tecnolog’a para comunidades y racionalizaci—n democrtica [html file] 4. El Parlamento de las Cosas [PDF] 5. Theoria Critica de la Tecnologia [PDF] 6. Del esencialismo al constructivismo: la filosofía de la tecnología en la encrucijada [PDF] 7. Science, Technology and Democracy [PDF] 8. Ten Paradoxes of Technology [PDF] 9. Interview in Pagina 12 [PDF] [html file] 10. Los archivos de Mayo de 1968: Una Presentación de la Lucha Anti-Tecnocrática en Mayo de 1968” [PDF] 11. Filosofía de la tecnología y democracia por Andrew Feenberg como emergente de la teoría crítica de Herbert Marcuse para el siglo XXI, par Natalia Fischetti [web link] [PDF] 12. Transformar la Tecnologia [web link] |
Hungarian 1. Review by Kiraly Gabor [PDF] 2. Democratic Rationalization [PDF]
Russian 1. The Mediation is the Message: Rationality and Agency in the Critical Theory of Technology [PDF] 10.5MB [PDF] (285KB) |
Belorussian 1. Andrew Feenberg's Homepage [weblink]
Ukrainian 1. Ten Paradoxes of Technology [PDF] 2. "The Bursting Boiler of Digital Education: Critical Pedagogy and Philosophy of Technology" - an interview by Petar Jandric, Knowledge Cultures 3(5), 2015 [PDF] |
Norwegian 1. Teknikk og Modernitet [PDF] |
Swedish 1. Function and Meaning: The Double Aspects of Technology [PDF] |
(translations and related works) 1. Critical Theory of Technology: An Overview [PDF] 2. Heidegger, Marcuse and the Philosophy of Technology [PDF] 3. Novel and Modern World by Fazolah Pakzad, 1997 [PDF] 4. Marcuse or Habermas by Abbas Ghanbari, 2004 [PDF] 5. The Essence of Technology: Habermas vs. Heidegger by Shima Hakimi, 2008 [PDF] 6. Technology's Various Philosophical Perspectives by Shima Hakimi, 2008 [PDF] 7. Heidegger vs. Feenberg by Khashayar Boroomand and Mostafa Taghavi, 2013 [PDF] 8. Two Alternatives for Technology by Mostafa Taghavi, 2013 [PDF] 9. Andrew Feenberg's Special Approach to Technology Studies, in Shargh Newspaper by Jalal Nabhanizadeh, 2014 [PDF] 10. Interview with Andrew Feenberg, by Jalal Nabhanizadeh in Shargh Newspaper, 2014 [PDF] 11. Ten Paradoxes of Technology by Jalal Nabhanizadeh in Ettelaat Hekmat Va Marefat, 2014 [PDF] 12. What is Philosophy of Technology, by Jalal Nabhanizadeh, 2015 [PDF] 13. Andrew Feenberg's Philosophy of Technology - an MA thesis by Jalal Nabhanizadeh [PDF] 14. Emancipation from the Dominant Technological Atmosphere in Andrew Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology by Khashayar Boroomand and Seyed Hassan Hosseini [PDF] 15. Reification, Technological Progress, and Post-Capitalist Horizons, an interview with Andrew Feenberg by Richard Smith, translated by Javad Ganji [PDF]
Turkish 1. Teknoloji ve Toplum [PDF]
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