To protect student privacy, SFU does not disclose personally identifiable information when uploading students' eligibility information to TransLink. No personally identifiable information is transferred when you link a Compass Card to your U-Pass BC account, or when you request your U-Pass BC for the current or next month.
SFU provides TransLink with anonymous data in the form of unique identifiers that indicate which student accounts are eligible for U-Pass BC each month. SFU also provides TransLink with a portion of your student number so that fare inspectors can match your student ID to the pass on a given Compass Card. All transmissions are encrypted.
For U-Pass BC users, TransLink only has access to your personal information if you provide it in the following situations:
- You sign up for reminders on the U-Pass BC website
- You produce your student ID when asked by Transit Police or Fare Inspectors
- You register your Compass Card (either on the Compass website or by phone)
- You request a refund
Signing up for optional reminders lets you know when your U-Pass BC has been loaded onto your Compass Card or when it's time to request your U-Pass BC for a new month. Students who sign up for optional reminders will need to provide an email address, which is stored with your account and enables TransLink to send reminders and system updates. This is necessary so that students can manage their details (i.e. disable reminders or update an email address). Signing up for reminders is entirely optional.
Any use of personal information is governed by the TransLink’s Privacy Policy.