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The Multifaith Centre is a busy place with lots of ways you can join in. Search events by type, campus, or religion below to connect with your faith community today.
What's the best fit for me?
Come connect and learn about the different faith groups, events, workshops, and worship gatherings that are the best fit for you and your faith journey.
Join the Catholic Chaplaincy for Mass in the Multifaith Centre. Open to Students, Staff, and Faculty
Join the The Point for their Sunday Gathering in the Saywell Atrium on Burnaby Campus. The Gathering is open to all members of the SFU Community.
Join Every Nation Mission for their Sunday Gathering in Surrey Central; open to all members of the SFU Community.
Find your faith community. Drop in for a social event with a faith group today. Check out one that suits you.
Lifegroups are designed to do life alongside one another. Meeting once a week for a meal their goal is to build relationship, faith, and fun.
Disicpleship Groups, or "DG" is a weekly small group discussions about the Bible and Christian-oriented topics. This semester the theme is prayer.
Tuesday Night Fellowship (TNF) is a place to worship, hang out, and learn together through a short teaching from the Bible.
Sign up for a Core. These are weekly small groups to build community and grow in faith together.