
June 9, 2020 - University Update on Online Exam Procedures

The University has provided an update on online exam procedures for the duration of remote instruction at http://www.sfu.ca/students/scheduling/exam-scheduling-guidelines.html

April 15, 2020 - Accommodations for students with disabilities - Summer term 2020

You are receiving this email as you are the instructor of record for a summer 2020 course in which a student with disabilities may be requesting accommodations. 

This email contains important information on h­­­­ow disability related academic accommodations will be offered in the remote learning environment. 

The CAL has been actively involved with institutional resources, transition committees, instructors, and other Post-Secondary institution disability offices to identify supports and best-practice approaches to ensure that the institution continues to meet its legal obligation to provide reasonable and fair access for students with disabilities. As SFU fully transitions to a remote learning format for the summer 2020 term, the Centre has carefully considered how to appropriately adapt the accommodation process to this model.

We understand based on the CAL Instructor Survey that the majority of exams for the summer 2020 term are expected to be time-restricted and administered within Canvas.  In this context, exam accommodations for the majority of registrants can be addressed relatively easily within Canvas via the implementation of extra test time by TAs and Instructors. In other cases, the Centre will be supporting instructors in identifying and implementing appropriate accommodations.

The box below entitled “Highlights of Key Information” contains an overview of CAL’s processes for the summer term. 

The section that follows (entitled “Detailed Information- Summer 2020 CAL Accommodation Processes”) is provided for your reference, and will be relevant should you receive a formal Accommodation Notice from the CAL requesting that accommodations be implemented. 


·         Accommodation notices will continue to be sent to instructors via email starting next week (the week of May 19).

·         Lecture accommodations (e.g. audio recording) will continue to apply to students’ live, online lectures (where relevant)

·         Exam notifications/reminders will continue to be sent to instructors via the Centre’s email notification system once a student(s) has requested accommodations for a specific test. The notification will also explain who will be responsible for administering each student’s exams.

·         Administration of exams:

o    Students with straightforward accommodations (e.g. a standard increment of extra time) will be expected to write exams alongside their classmates and be invigilated (where applicable) by their instructors/TAs 

o    Students with unique or demanding accommodations (e.g. use of a scribe, or a relatively large increment of extra time) will have their exams administered and invigilated (where applicable) by CAL via Zoom

·         Extra exam time accommodations will be implemented by instructors/TAs by adjusting the student’s test duration in Canvas (or alternative test delivery platform)

·         Frequently Asked Questions:  We invite you to access the FAQ’s posted on the CAL website for information and guidance.  

It is appreciated that the move to remote instruction presents challenges for all. It will be important that we work together and remain open and flexible to address any problems should they occur. Your collaboration and support in this process is essential and much appreciated.  

Our team is available to support you with any accessibility concerns or questions as you transition to online classes and exams. Please reach out to the CAL front desk at caladmin@sfu.ca for assistance. 

Kind regards,

CAL Staff

DETAILED INFORMATION - Summer 2020 CAL Accommodation Processes

The information below is also available as a PDF (attached to this email) and will be available on the CAL’s FAQ page.

Accommodation Notices

Accommodations can only be determined once the unique demands and format of the course(s) are known by the student and Centre. As usual, instructors will receive Notifications of Accommodations this term.  You can expect to begin receiving these notices during Week 2.  

Lecture Accommodations

With online course delivery, there may be fewer instances where lecture accommodations are required, particularly where students can access course materials and lectures asynchronously.  

Audio recording and/or note taking accommodations may be required by some students where lectures are delivered live, and where no recording is otherwise available.  Students with an audio recording accommodation will continue to be bound by the terms of their signed Audio Recording Agreement.  Note that the University now supports recording of lectures within Zoom, provided that privacy protection considerations are appropriately addressed. 

Exam Accommodations

Although the CAL will not be invigilating in-person exams this term, we look forward to supporting the exam accommodation process in part by continuing to facilitate exam-related communications such as notifications and reminders using our existing exam booking and notification system. 

Scheduling of tests/exams: Students have been asked to follow the usual procedures for submitting test booking requests online to CAL (up to one week in advance for midterms/quizzes, and up to two weeks before the final exam period for finals). As in the past, instructors will receive email notifications/reminders regarding specific exam accommodation needs beginning 6 days in advance of midterms/quizzes, and 13 days in advance of finals. 

Test Administration

A notation has been added to each student’s accommodation letter indicating who is responsible for administering the student’s accommodated test/exam, determined as follows:

1.         Instructor to oversee administration of exams for students who have straightforward exam accommodations, i.e. additional time less than or equal to 66% and no other contraindication present (e.g., use of particular assistive technology).

2.         CAL to oversee administration of exams for students who require exceptional accommodation supports that cannot be reasonably implemented by the instructor (e.g. additional time greater than 67%; provision of a scribe or other access aide accommodation; breaks that require the student to leave the room to address the impact of their disability; etc.), and provide invigilation where applicable.  CAL will communicate with the instructor to address and coordinate this effort. 

3.         A combination of CAL administering some exams/tests, and the instructor administering others. For example, CAL will oversee the administration and invigilation (where applicable) of longer tests/ exams; and the instructor will oversee the shorter timed tests/quizzes.

Please note:  

·         Regardless of who is responsible for administration of the test, the instructor/TA will be required to adjust the student’s test duration in order to apply the extra time accommodation

·         CAL-administered exams will be invigilated via Zoom (where applicable)

Extra Time Accommodations

Most registrants with exam accommodations will have their entitlement met via a straightforward implementation of extra test time. As the CAL does not routinely have access to course Canvas shells (where most tests are anticipated to be administered), extra test time accommodations will need to be implemented by the instructor or TA by adjusting the student’s test duration in Canvas (or whichever test administration tool is being used) upon notification of the student’s request. 

Exam Time Adjustment  

·         For tests that are time-limited and hosted on Canvas, including quizzes and final exams, instructors are asked to adjust the exposure time to reflect the student’s extra time entitlement. Step-by-step directions have been developed for your reference, and IT services staff are available by phone 778-782-4828 or by submitting an online support request.

·         For tests/exams that are time limited but not on Canvas, the same time adjustment approach applies as above, and instructors are asked to inform students of their adjusted exam end time.

·         For traditional take home exams, where students are given a day or more to complete the exam, the accommodation of extended time does not typically apply. Students who believe they would still require this should connect with their advisor.

Evening exams:  While students requiring extra time can typically start at the regular class time and finish later, for evening exams you may have to adjust the start time to an earlier time for the CAL registrant, as students are generally not expected to write beyond 10 pm. Please consult with CAL if the earlier start time creates significant concerns so that we can explore options together. 

Assistive Technology (e.g., Voice-to-Text, Text-to-Voice, screen-reader, etc.)

Some types of assistive technology may not interface with exam invigilation tools such as Proctorio, and/or may necessitate behaviours or engagement with equipment/software that does not conform to standard invigilation protocols (e.g. a student may need to dictate their test responses using a microphone, or wear headphones to access text-to-voice functionality).  The Centre will administer and invigilate exams via Zoom when required to ensure a student has access to the needed assistive technology.  Please contact the Centre if there are concerns about how the test-taking environment may present issues related to a student’s accommodations.

Alternative Format Exams

Some students may require exam questions in an alternative format (e.g., Word, PDF) in order to access the exam using their assistive technology.  Where this is needed, CAL will consult with the instructor to ensure that the appropriate format is provided


It is appreciated that the move to remote instruction presents challenges for all. It will be important that we work together and remain open and flexible to address any problems should they occur. As CAL accommodation services relate to institutional human rights obligations, the process the University engages in to resolve any accessibility concerns that arise is important. The University is required to demonstrate a good faith, cooperative approach to accommodation. Your collaboration and support in this process is essential and much appreciated.

We may need to update and adjust these processes as we gain further appreciation of what instructors and students require.  

April 7, 2020 - Final exam extra time and break time accommodations for CAL registrants - Please review accommodation letters and modify time

As you likely appreciate, the University continues to have a responsibility during this unprecedented time to provide non-discriminatory services, and it will be important that students’ disability related accommodations are taken into account for any upcoming time limited tests (i.e., final exams).

For the remaining time-limited tests in your course, please adjust CAL registrants’ assessment times to reflect their accommodations as appropriate. 

If you are using Canvas to administer time limited tests, the test duration can be modified for individual students in Canvas by following the illustrated instructions on the following page:


For exams not administered on Canvas, please refer to the instructor FAQ  page for more information.

Please note that you will not be receiving the usual exam reminder emails from CAL; and so, please check and modify ALL students for whom you have received an accommodation notice.

To view a list of CAL students and their respective accommodations in your courses, please follow the link below:


We have created a FAQ page for instructors with some of the most common issues or questions that are arising.  Please follow the link below to review this page:


If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email caladmin@sfu.ca or by phone or voicemail at 778.782.3112.

Thank you for your assistance.

April 2, 2020 - CAL Update: Frequently Asked Questions 

We at CAL hope that you are staying safe and taking care of yourselves during these unprecedented times. We appreciate the challenges and stress that everyone is facing as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and we are here to offer assistance. 

In order to address some of your questions and concerns we have created a FAQ page with some of the most common issues or questions that are arising.  Please follow the link below to review this page:


As the situation continues to evolve over time, we will be in touch with further resources and updates. Our collective efforts in dealing with this pandemic require us to be more resourceful and creative than ever, and we certainly recognize the importance of regular communication as we continue to navigate these challenges together.  If you encounter issues or wish to share solutions that you have identified, we welcome you to reach out to us at 778.782.3112 or caladmin@sfu.ca .

We wish you continued well-being as you continue the important work of teaching students and supporting student access.

March 28, 2020 - URGENT CORRECTION - Instructions for providing additional time on Canvas based exams for CAL registrants

We hope you are keeping well during these unprecedented times.  

We recently became aware that the Canvas support page linked in our previous email to instructors (attached below) contained incomplete information on allocating extra time.  If you followed those outlined steps, the CAL registrant(s) would have not received their accommodated extra time.

We have worked with IT Services and Canvas support to create updated instructions. Going forward, please follow the link below to view the complete steps for adding extra time for accommodated exams on Canvas:


If you have had a recent Canvas based exam (e.g. since March 17), in which you allocated extra time to a student’s exam, the student would have likely not received their accommodated extra time. If you are aware of any students affected by this, please let us know as we can work with you to address the issue.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at caladmin@sfu.ca or 778-782-3112 and we will gladly assist.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding as we transition to accommodations for online delivery of courses.

March 17, 2020 - CAL Update - online exams and accommodations for students with disabilities 

As you know, these are exceptional times and the University is transitioning its courses to an on-line format, which presents a change in procedures for all students, including those for students with disabilities. For many of you we expect that you will also be moving your exams to an on-line format if you are not offering some other alternative.

The responsibility of the University to provide non-discriminatory services continues to be in effect and it will be important that students’ accommodations are taken into account as you make adjustments to your course delivery. We encourage you to review the list of registrants and their accommodations in your courses.

Where you have a student who is entitled to exam accommodations, the following is offered to assist you in addressing the accommodation needs:

1.For tests that are on-line, time limited (e.g., a 3 hour final) and hosted on Canvas, you will need to adjust the exposure time to reflect the student’s entitlement. This is easily achieved in Canvas by calculating the factor of extra time required and modifying the individual student’s test time.

The student’s adjusted exposure/writing time would include both the extra time and/or the time allotted for breaks. For example, the student who is entitled to 50% additional time and break time of 10 minutes for every hour of writing time, would be entitled to the following adjustment for a 3-hour exam:  4.5 hours + 45 minutes = 5 hours and 15 minutes writing time in total.

Please note that you may also have to adjust the start time to an earlier time for the CAL registrant if the exam is scheduled in the evening. Generally, students are not expected to write beyond 10 pm.

2. For tests/exams that are completed by distance and are time limited but are not on Canvas, the same time adjustment approach applies as outlined above and the student will need to be informed of their adjusted return time of the exam.

3. For those circumstances where accommodations cannot be effectively implemented, a flexible approach should be exercised. It may be appropriate to provide an alternative means of assessing mastery, for example, providing an assignment or paper in place of a time-based exam.

4. For students who are accommodated with an environment with reduced distraction, it is expected that students in most cases will independently find a reasonably quiet space in which to write their online exams.

5. For students who are accommodated with use of specific software technology (e.g., text-to-voice software), it is anticipated that most will already have this software available on their personal computers. If they do not, please direct the student to CAL for assistance.

6. There will be some student with disabilities who have rather unique accommodations, for example, those who require a scribe/reader for the test. In these cases, the Centre will be communicating with the student and you in advance to create a plan of action.

Please note that we cannot fully anticipate issues that might arise and we will need to work together and remain open and flexible. In consideration of human rights and SFU’s GP-26, the process we engage in to identify solutions is as important as the accommodation itself, i.e., the University is required to demonstrate it engaged in a good faith process and accommodated the student up to the point of undue burden.

We acknowledge that this a challenging time for instructors and we appreciate your attention and consideration of these matters. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the CAL front desk at caladmin@sfu.ca or at 778 782 3112.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I know if I have a CAL student or student(s) that require accommodations?

To review the list of CAL registrants and their accommodations in your courses, please visit the following link: https://clockwork.its.sfu.ca/ClockWork/user/instructor/letters.aspx

How do I oversee CAL registrants' exams over Zoom?

Instructions on how to oversee CAL registrants' exams over Zoom can be found at the following link: http://www.sfu.ca/students/accessible-learning/faculty/resources/Zoom.html

How do I calculate extra time for CAL registrants?

For routine, time-limited exams (e.g., 3 hour final exam), the CAL has created an Excel file and a Google Sheet document (referred to as the “CAL Accommodated Time Calculator”) to assist in your calculation of accommodated time for CAL registrants. 

Please note that these documents are provided as a courtesy from the CAL to provide guidance on the provision of extra time accommodations for CAL registrants' exams. These documents should not replace independent calculations on the part of the instructor to confirm the accuracy of accommodated extra time.

It is recommended that instructors download and use the following Excel version of the CAL Accommodated Time Calculator, which can be used offline:


To access the online Google Sheets version of the CAL Accommodated Time Calculator, please visit the following link:


* Please note that the online version only supports one user at a time, but provides access to those who may not have Excel.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the use of the calculator or providing CAL registrants with their accommodated time, please contact the Centre by email at caladmin@sfu.ca or by phone or voicemail at 778.782.3112.

How do I add extra time for CAL registrants’ exams on Canvas?

For tests that are on-line, time limited (e.g., a 3 hour final) and hosted on Canvas, you will need to adjust the exposure time to reflect the student’s entitlement. This is achieved in Canvas by calculating the factor of extra time required and modifying the individual student’s test time.  For step-by-step illustrated instructions, please visit the following webpage: 


The student’s adjusted exposure/writing time should include both the extra time and/or the time allotted for breaks. For example, the student who is entitled to 50% additional time and break time of 10 minutes for every hour of writing time, would be entitled to the following adjustment for a 3-hour exam:  4.5 hours + 45 minutes = 5 hours and 15 minutes writing time in total.

Please note that you may also have to make an adjustment to include an earlier start time for the CAL registrant if the exam is scheduled in the evening. Consistent with guidance from SFU Scheduling, all examinations at SFU are scheduled to end by 10 PM, and this applies to CAL registrants receiving accommodations as well. Please refer to the FAQ “How do I address exam integrity concerns for CAL registrants writing evening exams earlier than the class” for more information.

The institution has a responsibility to accommodate up to the point of undue burden, however, there may be circumstances where accommodations simply cannot be effectively implemented. In those cases, we ask that you explore issues and options with CAL, as a flexible approach may be required to ensure that the University is upholding its legal mandate to accommodate students with disabilities. 

For students who are accommodated on exams with an environment with reduced distraction, it is expected that students in most cases will independently find a generally appropriate space in which to write their online exams. For other accommodations not related to break time, please refer to the FAQ “How do I provide exam accommodations that are not related to exposure time or break time?” If you are approached by CAL registrants expressing particular concerns about such issues, you may wish to refer them back to their CAL Disability Access Advisor.

How do I add extra time for CAL registrants’ exams that are NOT on Canvas?

For tests/exams that are completed by distance and are time limited (e.g., a 3 hour final), but are not on Canvas, you will need to adjust the exposure time to reflect the student’s entitlement and the student will need to be informed of their adjusted return time of the exam.

The student’s adjusted exposure/writing time should include both their extra time and any time allotted for breaks. For example, the student who is entitled to 50% additional time and break time of 10 minutes for every hour of writing time, would be entitled to the following adjustment for a 3-hour exam:  4.5 hours + 45 minutes = 5 hours and 15 minutes writing time in total.

Please note that you may also have to adjust the start time to an earlier start time for the CAL registrant if the exam is scheduled in the evening. Consistent with guidance from SFU Scheduling, all examinations at SFU are scheduled to end by 10 PM, and this applies to CAL registrants receiving accommodations as well. Please refer to the FAQ “How do I address exam integrity concerns for CAL registrants writing evening exams earlier than the class” for more information.

In those rare circumstances where, after due consideration and deliberations with the Centre, it is determined that accommodations cannot be effectively implemented to allow the student to fairly engage in the routine assessment planned for the course at large, a flexible approach should be exercised. It may be appropriate to provide an alternative means of assessing mastery, for example, providing an assignment or paper in place of a time-based exam.

For students who are accommodated on exams with an environment with reduced distraction, it is expected that students in most cases will independently find a generally appropriate space in which to write their online exams. For other accommodations not related to break time, please refer to the FAQ “How do I provide exam accommodations that are not related to exposure time or break time?” If you are approached by CAL registrants expressing particular concerns about such issues, you may wish to refer them back to their CAL Disability Access Advisor.

How do I address exam integrity concerns for CAL registrants writing evening exams earlier than the class (i.e., a 3 hour exam starting at 7:00 PM where CAL registrants write earlier than the class in order to complete by 10:00 PM)?

Consistent with guidance from SFU Scheduling, all examinations at SFU are scheduled to end by 10 PM, and this applies to CAL registrants receiving accommodations as well. As a result, students with an accommodation of extra time and/or break time that would result in them writing past 10:00 PM will need to be accommodated with an earlier exam start time in order to finish by 10:00 PM.

Please note that 1) consistent with direction from the institution the CAL is not currently overseeing any in-person exams and 2) the institution has not, as of yet, identified and approved the use of online invigilation software which would allow invigilation by distance.  

If you have concerns around exam integrity, the following information is provided in order to guide your decision-making:

1) You may wish to create an exam where the class writing duration is shorter than 3 hours so the CAL registrant can start at the same time as the class and end at/or prior to 10:00 PM with their implemented accommodations.

2) You may also wish to consider using strategies in the course design which will effectively help limit opportunities to violate integrity.  These would include providing exams with different orders of the questions, consider using features such as having questions presented and responded to in a fixed sequence, or using a number of equivalent yet alternative exams. In the rare case, it may be acceptable to provide the CAL registrant with an alternate exam that is equivalent and different from the exam(s) received by the remainder of the class. Where this latter approach is being considered we would encourage discussion with CAL to ensure that we continue to meet obligations around equitable access and accommodation.

3) Students with disabilities are generally expected to be afforded the experience most similar to that available to other members of the class. For the rare instance in which none of the above approaches are available or deemed reasonable, please contact the student's Disability Access Advisor to explore alternatives.   

If you have any additional questions or feedback, please contact caladmin@sfu.ca or 778.782.3112.

How do I provide exam accommodations that are not related to exposure time or break time?

For students who are accommodated with an environment with reduced distraction, it is expected that students in most cases will independently find a reasonably quiet space in which to write their online exams.

For students who are accommodated with use of specific software technology (e.g., text-to-voice software, word processor), it is anticipated that most will already have this software available on their personal computers. If they do not, please direct the student to CAL for assistance.

There will be some students with disabilities who have rather unique accommodations, for example, those who require a scribe/reader for the test. In these cases, the Centre will be communicating with the student and you in advance to create a plan of action.

For those circumstances where accommodations cannot be effectively implemented, a flexible approach should be exercised. Please contact the student's Disability Access Advisor to explore alternatives.  It may be appropriate to provide an alternative means of assessing mastery, for example, providing an assignment or paper in place of a time-based exam. 

If you have any additional questions, please contact caladmin@sfu.ca or 778.782.3112.

How do I accommodate student exams on Top Hat?

Please follow the link below to access Top Hat support regarding accommodating exams:


Should you require further assistance with Top Hat, you can contact their support directly by email (support@tophat.com),or by calling 1.­888­.663­.5491.

Please note that you may also have to adjust the start time to an earlier time for the CAL registrant if the exam is scheduled in the evening. Consistent with guidance from SFU Scheduling, examinations at SFU are not scheduled beyond 10:00 PM, and this would apply to CAL registrants receiving accommodations as well. Please see the FAQ question entitled “How do I address exam integrity concerns for CAL registrants writing evening exams earlier than the class” for more information.

How do I accommodate students for exams in which I am providing a generous allotment of time (e.g., take-home exam where students have 24 hours to complete and return the exam, but the exam itself would only take the average student 3 hours to complete)?

If you are providing a generous window of time (e.g., 24 hour period) for students to write a test or assignment that would be expected to be completed within a significantly shorter time by the average student (e.g., 3 hour exam but students are provided 24 hours to complete), this should capture the needs of most CAL registrants who receive extra time and no additional time would be needed. 

Should you have CAL Registrants who receive time-based test accommodations, it is recommended that you include a statement which indicates that the exam has been structured to provide reasonable opportunity for all members of the class, including those that typically receive extra time on disability-related grounds. Students should feel free to reach out to the Centre if they have any concerns.  

In contrast, affording all students the full final exam allotment (3 hours) to write what the instructor believes to be a 1 hour test, would not meet accommodation expectations. For such “time-restricted” assessments, the expectation is that a CAL registrant's extra time, above and beyond that afforded the general class, should continue to be included. For students who receive breaks without time penalty during tests, this is to be treated in the same way as above (i.e., test duration extended to include the breaks). 

How do I support CAL registrants who start an exam but are unable to complete the exam due to a report of a significant exacerbation of disability-related symptoms?

If a CAL registrant approaches you about such difficulties, please contact the Centre by email at caladmin@sfu.ca or by phone or voicemail at 778.782.3112 so that a determination can be made as to whether and what further accommodation may be required. 

What supports are available to me for remote instruction and exam administration?

The Centre for Educational Excellence has resources available (e.g., workshops, information) to support remote instruction and exam administration. 

Please follow the link below for more information regarding supports for exams: https://www.sfu.ca/cee/services/online-exam-options.html

Please follow the link below for information regarding remote teaching:

Please follow the link below for Best practices for building Universal Design principles into your Canvas courses:

Please follow the link below for Accessibility checker for Canvas:

If you have any feedback or wish to share solutions or approaches that you have identified for supporting students with disabilities, we welcome you to reach out to us at 778.782.3112 or caladmin@sfu.ca. Additional resources will be provided as they become available.

What resources are available for recording lectures on Zoom?

Please see the below resources made available through IT Services for processes, procedures, and considerations for recording using Zoom.

Recording Zoom Lectures: Privacy and Copyright Guidelines for Instructors:


Privacy and security with Zoom:


What if I have additional unanswered questions?

The Centre is available to support instructors with accommodating registered CAL students’ access to online lectures, course materials, and exams. Although the physical CAL office is closed for in-person services, we continue to be operational and available via phone, email, and video call to provide assistance. Please contact caladmin@sfu.ca or 778.782.3112.