Week |
Topic |
Assigned/Due |
1 |
Classes start next week. Course overview | Readings for each week are after the schedle. |
2 Visualization in Practice |
Why Visualization? Course Overview and Intro (Slides) |
Readings Assignment 1 out Download and familiarise yourselves with Tableau.
10-Sep |
3 Perception |
15-Sep |
How we see: basics of perception (slides) |
Readings |
17-Sep |
Patterns and Structure (slides) Assignment 1 brief presentations |
Assignment 1 due
4 Encoding Data |
22-Sep Perception 1 |
Data (slides) |
Ass. 2 out |
24-Sep |
Visual Encoding (slides) |
Sign up for Ass2 schedule on Canvas | |
5 Design 1 |
29-Sep |
Colour in Information Display (slides) |
Readings |
1-Oct |
User Tasks and Design Idioms (slides) |
6 Multivariate Methods |
6-Oct |
Single and Multiple Views (slides) |
Readings |
8-Oct |
Submission of project title and brief (100 word) abstract due | |
7 Networks |
13-Oct |
Holiday: Thanksgiving |
15-Oct |
Graphs, Trees and Networks (slides) |
Assignment 2 due Fri. Oct 17 |
8 Ass2 presentations |
20-Oct |
Assignment 2 presentations |
22-Oct |
Assignment 2 presentations |
2D Techniques 2 | 27-Oct |
Dealing with the data explosion: using space effectively (slides) |
29-Oct |
Design Challenges |
3-Nov |
Visual Attention and Awareness (slides) | |
5-Nov |
Project Meetings | NOTE THE ROOM CHANGE TO SUR 3290 |
11 Visual Analytics |
10-Nov |
Vis Week- lecture TBA |
15-Nov |
Vis Week- lecture TBA |
Assignment 3 due Nov 15 Remember: sign up for project presentations! |
17-Nov |
Assignment 3 redesign: presentations |
19-Nov |
class cancelled, lyn sick | ||
13 Extending InfoVis |
24-Nov |
Animation (slides) |
26-Nov |
Aesthetics, Affect and Design |
14 *NEW* | 1-Dec |
Project Presentations 10-2 | *NEW*Project papers/demos due Dec. 12 |
3-Dec |
Project Presentations 10 -2 |
Readings by week:
Chapter 1, Visualization Design and Analysis.
- A Tour through the Visualization Zoo. Jeffrey Heer, Michael Bostock, Vadim Ogievetsky. Communications of the ACM, 53(6), pp. 59-67, Jun 2010.
- Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis. J. Heer and B. Shneiderman, ACM Queue, 2012.
- S. K. Card, "Information visualization." In The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook, J. Jacko, A. Sears, (editors), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 2003.
- J.-D. Fekete, J. van Wijk, J. Stasko, C. North, "The Value of Information Visualization", in Information Visualization: Human-Centered Issues and Perspectives, (Editors: A. Kerren, J. Stasko, J.-D. Fekete, C. North), Springer, 2008, pp. 1-18.
- C. North, "Information Visualization", in Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, G. Salvendy (editor), John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
- Knowledge Precepts for Design and Evaluation of Information Visualizations. Robert Amar and John Stasko. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics 11(4):432-442, 2005
- Glyph-based Visualization: Foundations, Design Guidelines, Techniques and Applications. R. Borgo, J. Kehrer, D. H. S. Chung, E. Maguire, R. S. Larame , H. Hauser, M. Ward and M. Chen. Eurographics 2013.
- Scientific sketching for collaborative VR visualization design. Keefe DF1, Acevedo D, Miles J, Drury F, Swartz SM, Laidlaw DH.IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph. 2008 Jul-Aug;14(4):835-47.
- Visualization and Visual Representations in the Design Process. Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen.
- Towards supporting interactive sketch-based visualizations. J. Walny and S. Carpendale.Thinking Through Drawing workshop, August 2012
- Chris Healey's excellent site of all things preattentive
- C. Ware, Chapters 2,4 Visual Thinking for Design.
- William S. Cleveland and Robert McGill, "Graphical Perception: Theory, Experimentation and the Application to the Development of Graphical Models", J. Am. Stat. Assoc., Vol. 79, No. 387, pp. 531-554, 1984.
- Munzner, chap 3,4.
- Semiology of Graphics, Jacques Bertin, Gauthier-Villars 1967, EHESS 1998.
- Jeffrey Heer and Maureen Stone. 2012. Color naming models for color selection, image editing and palette design. In Proceedings of CHI '12. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1007-1016
- Stone, Maureen C. A field guide to digital color. Vol. 3. Natick,, MA: AK Peters, 2003.
- Borland and Taylor, "Rainbow Color Map (Still) Considered Harmful," Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2007. [pdf]
- Kindlmann, Gordon, Erik Reinhard, and Sarah Creem. "Face-based luminance matching for perceptual colormap generation." Proceedings of the conference on Visualization'02. IEEE Computer Society, 2002.
- M. Stone, "Choosing Colors for Data Visualization", 2006.
- Munzner, Visualization Analysis and Design, chapter 7.
- S. Few, Effectively Communicating Numbers:Selecting the Best Means and Manner of Display
- Kosslyn, S. M. (1989) Understanding Charts and Graphs. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 3, 1989, pp. 185-226
- Dominikus Baur, Frederik Seiffert, Michael Sedlmair, and Sebastian Boring. "The Streams of Our Lives: Visualizing Listening Histories in Context." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol. 16, No. 6, (November 2010), pp. 1119-1128.
- Ben Shneiderman, "The Eyes Have It: A Task by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations." Proc. 1996 IEEE Visual Languages, Boulder, CO, Sept. 1996, pp. 336-343.
- J. Heer and B. Shneiderman. Interactiive Dynamics for Visual Analysis. ACM Queue, 2012.
- Ji Soo Yi, Youn ah Kang, John T. Stasko and J.A. Jacko. Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Role of Interaction in Information Visualization> Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2007
- Spence, Chapter 3.