- Participation. A good portion of the learning in any upper level or graduate class comes from intelligent discussion during the class. If you don't attend class, you cannot participate, and your performance may reflect that. I expect that each student will make an effort to attend all lectures and contribute constructively to the discussion.
- Academic Honesty Students are expected to follow SFU's code of academic honesty. I am required to forward all suspected cases of academic misconduct to the Director of SIAT, the Grad Studies Chair and the Dean of Graduate Studies, where they will be pursued to resolution. This is a very unpleasant process for all involved, so please do not put us in this situation.
- Publication. Students are often interested in publishing the results of their projects and I thoroughly encourage this effort under the following conditions and via the following process.
- the work is reviewed with me and deemed appropriate and a venue selected;
- the senior supervisor is consulted and gives explicit permission for the extra effort required in preparing work for publication;
- the authorship includes the senior supervisor and myself unless either of us waives it.
- Project work across multiple courses. In principle I have no problem with the same research project serving two different courses, but this means that the actual work is much bigger than required in either course, and that the applicability of the visualization component of the work suits the nature of this course. This must be cleared with me and the instructor of the other course before the project is approved. Failure to do so will result in the project being marked out of 50%.