Russell Cullingworth: Since 2010, Russell has been researching the competencies of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and has recognized the value of a deeper understanding of psychological preference as a framework for developing EQ. Russell is an entrepreneurial and well-seasoned executive with over 25 years’ experience in business financial management and consulting, and over 10 years in Executive Management. He obtained his Executive MBA in 1999 from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, which was a life changing experience. In 2009, during an Insights Discovery Executive Training Session at Canuck Place Children's Hospice, his profile helped him to understand his true gifts and passion, which led to the creation of EQAdvantage Learning and Development Inc. and the Centre of Excellence for Young Adults. Russell has become a curious observer of human behaviour and continues to read and research in order to develop his knowledge, understanding and expertise.
Session 3A: Leadership Essentials- Emotional Intelligence
Time and Date: 3:00-4:00 PM on Saturday, May 23
Session Type: Workshop
Location: Blusson Hall, Room 10021
Research clearly shows that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is many more times effective than IQ in leadership roles. Why is EQ so critical to leadership? Your EQ is the level of your ability to understand and manage yourself and others, recognizing how to adapt, motivate and influence them toward a win-win outcome. In this workshop you will learn the basic competencies of EQ and how to develop your EQ and personal power in order to become an effective leader and/or contributor to your team.
Facilitator: Russell Cullingworth