Other Ongoing Events

Events organized by others outside the IRC

There are many opportunities for learning that are available to us in online and inperson formats. Reconconcilia(c)tion involves sharing these opportunities as well as taking up these opportunities to learn, be it to learn of past and current truths, learn different ways of being, but importantly learning how to be part of the change that is necessary.

This page is envisioned as a place to highlight ongoing events, past and upcoming, that are hosted/organized/shared by others outside of the IRC -- some of which are attended by members of the IRC. We hope that there will be interest in some of these events by students/faculty of Indigenous as well as non-Indigenous backgrounds. 


March 17-18, 2023
20th Annual Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium (IGSS)
Where: Virtual & In Person
To learn more including Registration information: https://gradsage.com/
Registration Information: https://gradsage.com/ Overview:
Indigenous Graduate Students from any discipline, program and institution are invited to submit proposals to present at this year’s 20th Annual Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium (IGSS) to take place at The University of British Columbia’s Vancouver Campus and virtually on March 17-18, 2023.
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with last year virtual events (2021 & 2022): IRC Member, R Fouladi, attended the events in 2021 and 2022  as a faculty member, and recommends it highly as an opportunity to connect with and learn from diverse Indigenous Graduate Students across many institutions.

June 23-25, 26-27, 2023
36th Annual Convention; American Indian Psychologists and Psychology Graduate Students 
Where: Virtual & In Person
Stay tuned. To be updated soon.
For details regarding last year's Annual Convention see: 


Thursday, December 7 , 2022, from 10 am – 11 am Pacific time
Intergenerational transmission of trauma and resilience in First Nations peoples
Speaker: Dr. Amy Bombay
 Harvard University Native American Program, Dr. Joseph Gone
Where: Online webinar via Zoom
To learn more visit: https://hunap.harvard.edu/news/1207-hunap-indigenous-health-well-being-colloquium-dr-amy-bombay
This event was recorded and the recording is (or will be) available on the Harvard website.
Description of webinar:
 The Indigenous Health and Well-Being Colloquium is a joint effort between the Harvard University Native American Program and the Harvard Medical School Department of Global Health and Social Medicine. "In this installment of the Indigenous Health and Well-Being Colloquium series, Dr. Amy Bombay will discuss intergenerational transmission of trauma and resilience in First Nations peoples." 
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Member, R Fouladi, attended the event. Dr. Bombay is also scheduled to give a SFU Psychology Dept IRC organized public colloquium and meet with Indigenous students on March 2nd, 2023.  If you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel free to contact us.

Friday, December 2 , 2022,
Saskatchewan NEIHR Network
Indigenous Identity: The impact of Pretendians in the Academy; December 2, 2022, (presented livestream; recording now available on: https://fb.watch/hczE-gu-Hc/; The panel starts at ~minute: 33:00
Organizers: Saskatchewan NEIHR Network
Moderator and speakers offer reflections: Dr. Robert Henry, Terri Hansen Gardiner, Jamie Lafleur, Dr. Winona Wheeler, Tracey Robinson, and Dr. Caroline Tait.
Overview: In this conversation, you hear the experiences of members of the U Sask community regarding impacts. In the chat, you will see comments/reflections of audience members, many of whom are Indigenous academics. 
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Member, R Fouladi, attended the event. If you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel free to contact us.  

November 17, 2022, from 10 am – 11 am Pacific time
CSPP Lecture Series: Decolonized Strategies for Addressing Child Maltreatment: American Indian and Alaska Native Perspectives
Dr. Julii Green and Dr. Royleen Ross
Organizers: California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University
Online webinar via Zoom
Registration Link: https://alliant.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0jvPz5mtTaCrajITNhSngw (past)
To learn more visit: https://events.alliant.edu/event/join_the_movement_to_improve_mental_health_for_native_populations
Description of webinar: "This webinar will discuss the systemic challenges that can lead to child maltreatment among American Indian and Alaska Native populations and discussions about issues that can lead to IPV and Missing and Murdered Indigenous women will also be highlighted. The panel will reflect on ways to integrate decolonized treatment strategies with survivors of abuse. A global movement within Native communities is shifting toward decolonialism (Hill, Lau, & Sue, 2010). In fact, Western psychology serves as modern representation of colonization essentially perpetuating oppression (Hill, Pace, & Robbins, 2010; Mohawk, 2004). In light of a recent white paper outlining a call to action acknowledging the experiences of Native American women and girls impacted by sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, sexual violence, and those whose who have gone missing or murdered (Ross, GreyWolf, Tehee, Henry, & Cheromiah, 2018), there is advocacy for clinicians to become culturally-informed and implement trauma-informed treatments to address the needs of Native populations. "
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Member, R Fouladi, attended the event. If you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel free to contact us.

November 7, 2022
First Light: The Indian Child Welfare Act Revisited
Description of event: The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is a federal law that resulted from years of pressure from Indigenous communities and their allies. Passed in 1978, it seeks to keep Indigenous children with their families as a response to evidence that Native American children were being systematically removed from their families and cultural and kinship ties. ICWA is now being challenged - arguments was be heard by the United States Supreme Court on November 9, 2022. At this event, there was a screening of First Light, which documents the forced removal of Indigenous children and tells the story of an unprecedented experiment in truth-telling and healing for Wabanaki people and child welfare workers in Maine. After the short film, there was a panel conversation about ICWA, its history, impacts, and why it matters today. Panelists included: April Fournier, M.Ed (DinĂ© | Navajo), National Program Manager at Advance Native Political Leadership and At-Large Member of the Portland Maine City Council; Sandy White Hawk (Sicangu Lakota), Founder of the First Nations Reparation Institute; Judith LeBlanc (Caddo), Institute of Politics Fall 2022 Resident Fellow and executive director of Native Organizers Alliance (NOA); Mishy Lesser, Ed.D, learning director for Upstander Project and Emmy® award-winning researcher; Chris Newell (Passamaquoddy), Tribal Community Member-in-Residence at UConn, and the director of education at the Akomawt Educational Initiative. Visit the website, for a recording of the panel discussion.
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Member, R Fouladi, attended the event. If you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel free to contact us.

June 27-28, 2022
35th Annual Convention of American Indian Psychologists and Psychology Graduate Students
 Society of Indian Psychologists (SIP: https://www.nativepsychs.org/)
When Virtual Convention: June 27-28, 2022
Note: Presentation proposal submsission deadline April 2, 2022
Description from website: "The annual convention for American Indian Psychologists and Psychology Graduate Students provides professional, government, and academic communities the opportunity to learn more about opportunities and challenges facing indigenous people, their culture, language religious and/or spiritual beliefs and values today. The annual convention advances psychological education and training, scientific practice and organizational change to enhance the overall well-being, dignity, welfare, and future of native indigenous people and psychology. " 
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Member, R Fouladi, attended some of the presentations at the virtual conference. If you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel free to contact us.

May 3-5, 2022
mawachihitotaak (Let’s Get Together): Métis Studies Symposium
Online conference
When: May 3- 6, 2022
Where: Online
Website: registration link and agenda: 
Description excerpt: "a space for Metis scholars, art makers, knowledge holders, students, language speakers, organizers, writers, and other community leaders to share knowledge and engage in conversation together." 
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Member, R Fouladi, attended the event. If you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel free to contact us.

April 27, 2022
Belongingness: Impacts on Indigenous Individual and Community Health
 Alex Adams, MD PhD
Organizers/Hosts: Talk organized as part of HUNUP Series: https://hunap.harvard.edu/hunap-indigenous-health-seminar
When: April 27, 2022, 12pm ET
Where: Online
Website: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/91791089514?pwd=TnF6enB4c3dUQXM3QVJqSUsxckN1QT09
Abstract: Alex will talk about her endeavors with the Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity (CAIRHE) in Montana to build an alliance of Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars and research pathways with community partners. She will also discuss her long-term work with the Menominee and national promotion for wellness among Native families. She will focus on the importance of cultivating belonginess as a pathway to health

April 20, 2022
Indigenous Voices and Restoring the Kinship Worldview: A Live Online Conversation with Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows) and Darcia Narvaez
Professor of Education, Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows) & Professor Emerita of Psychology Darcia Narvaez
When: April 20, 2022, 6:00-7:30pm (Vancouver)
Where: Online
Website: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/on-indigenous-voices-and-restoring-the-kinship-worldview-tickets-266486988757
Recorded Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45ni36NRTkM
Text extracted from promotion material: "Indigenous worldviews, and the knowledge they confer, are critical for human survival and the wellbeing of future generations. Author and Professor of Education, Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows), and author and Professor Emerita of Psychology Darcia Narvaez have both written and lectured extensively on the need to integrate Indigenous worldviews into every aspect of society—from education to sustainability, wellness, and justice."
Selected Titles by Authors: 
*Teaching Truly: A Curriculum to Indigenize Mainstream Education
*The Red Road: Linking Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives to Indigenous Worldview
 (in press)
*Sustainable Wisdom: First Nation Know-how for Global Flourishing
*Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture and Wisdom

April 12, 2022
Connecting Indigenous Cultural Safety and Addressing Racism in the Health Care System

Speaker: Harley Eagle
When: April 12, 2022, 10:00-11:30 Vancouver
Platform: Zoom
Website: https://learningcircle.ubc.ca/2022/03/21/harley-eagle-cultural-safety-and-addressing-racism-in-the-health-care-system/
Abstract: "Since making public in 2020 the In Plain Sight Addressing Indigenous Specific Racism and Discrimination in BC Heatlh Care and as some parts of the health care system strive to bring life to the recommendation there has been an increase in trying to understand a way forward. In the workshop, Indigenous Cultural Safety consultant, Harley Eagle will make the connection between Indigenous Cultural Safety and addressing systemic racism and identify some possible ways forward"
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: SFU Psyc IRC recommends reading the In Plain Sight Report (https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/613/2020/11/In-Plain-Sight-Summary-Report.pdf) in general but in particular in preparation for the event. Other resources of interest are available. Some may be interested in the slides for a 2019 ThinkTank on Anti-Indigenous Racism within the Health Care System that are posted on the Metis Nation of BC (MNBC) website https://www.mnbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/think_tank_on_anti_indigenous_racism_2019_v1.pdf ; as well as the MNBC call to the BC government in response to the released In
 See Facebook post
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Member, R Fouladi, attended the event in which Dr. Mushquash shared extensive experiences of work/research with communities and graduate students (including Elaine C. Toombs, Alexandra S. Drawson, Kristy R. Kowatch, amongst others); in presentation and in QA shared perspectives on the role of psychology going forward keeping in mind 7 generations back and 7 generations forward. Rachel is deeply thankful to the presenter and the the UofManitoba Dept of Psychology for the learnings that were made the presentation available to the public for attendance. If you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel free to contact us.

March 14 (Part 1)  & April 11th (Part 2), 2022
Decolonizing Research Methods: A Nehiyaw Perspective
 Bruno Grant
When: Mar 14 & April 11 , 2022 011:00AM-12:00PM Edmonton
Platform: Zoom
"Description: This two part series will explore historical and current trends in Indigenous research. The first part will examine the history of Indigenous research. Historically, research has been done on Indigenous populations and not with Indigenous populations. For decades, Indigenous scholars have called for better ways of acknowledging Indigenous voices in research. Structures within the research world today are rooted in Eurocentric worldviews that have always placed a higher value on western knowledge rather than Indigenous ways of knowing. The second part will explore trends in current research and how decolonized research is the way forward. Decolonizing approaches to research will be discussed along with research examples specific to Maskwacis.
...This is part of the Maskwacis Cultural College Microlearning Series and is open to the public."

March 24 & 31 2022
Speaker: Jeffrey Ansloos
Talk 1: Coming Home Stories: Conversations on identity, health
March 24, 2022, 3PM CT (Manitoba)
Organizer/Host: U of Manitoba, Psychology Colloquium
Platform: Zoom
Website: https://eventscalendar.umanitoba.ca/site/arts/event/psychology-colloquium-with-dr-jeffrey-ansloos-university-of-toronto/
Talk 2:Manitou2Manido: Mental health and healing with Indigenous queer, trans and Two Spirit young people
Organizer/Host: Department of Psychology Colloquium, University of British Columbia
When: March 31, 2022, 12:30-2:00PM PT (Vancouver)
Platform: Zoom (Abstract; Recorded video if/when available will be posted at provided link) 
Highlighted commonalities from both abstracts: "Indigenous queer, trans and Two Spirit young people face significant social and health inequities in Canada, which are substantively shaped by the history and contemporary manifestations of colonialislm. ... In this presentation, Jeffrey Ansloos will present findings from several qualititative research studies...  These studies introduce vital frameworks emerging from Queer and Trans Indigenous studies as key to understanding identity development, and spirituality in supporting the mental health of Indigenous... young people. The presentation will also consider ways of enhancing trauma-informed care and cultural safety in the context of mental health service provision with Indigenous queer, trans and Two Spirit young people." 
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Members, R Fouladi (current co-chair) & gradute student S. Balanji attended event, if you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel contact us.

March 9, 2022
MĂ©tis Identity Panel: Wena ka tapaymish ekwa kakway ka dipayhtamun? (Who Claims You and What Do You Claim?).
 Rita Bouvier, Russell Fayant, Dr. Brenda Macdougall, and Dr. Darryl Leroux, with Dr. Melanie Griffith Brice as moderator
Organizers: U of Regina & Gabriel Dumont Institute
When: Mar 9, 2022 06:00 PM Saskatchewan
Platform: Zoom (not recorded)
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Member, R Fouladi (current co-chair) attended event, if you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel contact us.

March 3, 2022
Omission as the modern form of bias against Indigenous Peoples
Dr. Stephanie Fryberg
Organizers: University of British Columbia, Department of Psychology, Invited Colloquium Serres
When: Mar 3, 2022
Platform: In-Person (recorded; recording available at provided link)
Website: https://psych.ubc.ca/events/event/colloquium-with-dr-stephanie-fryberg-university-of-michigan/
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: the IRC recommends watching the video which is available from the link, if you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration with regard to research practice, how it has been problematic and how it can be improved, please feel free to contact us.

November 2021
Demystifying Grad School for Indigenous Students Webinar
November 10, 2021
Platform: Zoom
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Member, S. Balanji attended event adressing topics of: The importance of relationships and utilizing the SAGE network; Connecting through the annual Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium; Resources available at the SFU Library; How to “Indigenize” your MA or PhD defense/thesis/dissertation writing; Supervisory committees. Sherene provided a summary report to IRC. Some summaries from her notes of will be provided on the SFU Psyc IRC Website, under relevent components -- e.g. Student Resources, Faculty Resources.  f you would like to converse about the what Sherene learned through attending the webinar, please feel free to contact us. 

March 3, 2021
Research with Indigenous People: Ethical Considerations and Community Engagement
Speakers: Dr. Alexandra King & Dr. Malcolm King 
Organizer: The HUNAP Indigenous Health & Well-Being Colloquium Series 
Where: Zoom (Recorded)
Website: Video recording available at https://youtu.be/pitoAVHjd3I
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: IRC Member, R Fouladi, attended the event. If you are interested in conversing about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel free to contact us.

February 8 & 9 2019
MĂ©tis Land: Rights and Scrip Conference
"...the Rupertsland Centre for MĂ©tis Research in the Faculty of Native Studies, in collaboration with the MĂ©tis Nation of Alberta, hosted the MĂ©tis Land: Rights and Scrip Conference. This conference explored the sorry legacy of scrip in Alberta, including its social and legal implications."
Platform/Website: Livestream (recorded); Recordings of the livestreamed event are available at: 
SFUPsyc IRC engagement with event: Dr. R. Fouladi (current co-Chair of the SFUPsyc IRC), held an in-person viewing of the livestream in the Department and held discussion with students regarding her current knowledge and knoweldge/research into part of her family's experiences with scrip. If you would like to learn more about the Metis and the issues of scrip, you are encouraged to watch some of recordings; if you would like to converse about the topics/issues under consideration, please feel free to contact us.