Wow this page hasn't been updated in a very long time.. The party featured the same events as last year. $1 BEvERages and pizza. A great time was had by all, though I don't remember much of it.
Wow this page hasn't been updated in a very long time.. The party featured the same events as last year. $1 BEvERages and pizza. A great time was had by all, though I don't remember much of it.
A fun filled afternoon. Summer research undergraduates showed of the accumulation of hard work they put in over the summer. Viewers marveled at each veritable accomplishment but the sense of job well done directed towards the students would be short-lived. During the annual Students vs. Faculty Softball game, students were no match. The night capped off with a tasty pot-luck. David Owen (working the BBQ) was by far the most popular person at the pot-luck. Click here for a full recap of the event.
A fun event for all, this social had lots to do, including "Guitar Hero", BEvERages, limbo, and more.
A gigantic job well done, this national conference hosted at SFU featured lectures Lene Hau (Harvard), Bill Unruh (UBC), and more.
Bye Bye.
Pouyan Khalili dubbed it "the best PSA social ever." There were just enough BEvERages to make for some interesting games of pictionary and charades.
The event featured an open bar (by donation), live comedy from local comedian Racan Souiedan, a beach-side BBQ, and beautiful by-the-water dining experience (sunset included). The event ceremoniously ended when Alex Loosley threw the unsuspecting comedian into the ocean.